How To Use a Pour Over – Coffee Maker

crazy by Editorial Staff | Updated on April 24th, 2023

Are you looking for a new way to make your morning cup of coffee? If so, you may want to consider trying a pour-over – coffee maker. This coffee maker is a popular choice for coffee enthusiasts due to its simple process and delicious cup of coffee.

With a pour-over – coffee maker, you can easily make a fresh cup of coffee with just a few steps. This article will provide step-by-step instructions on how to use a pour-over coffee maker so that you can enjoy a delicious cup of coffee every morning.

How To Use a Pour Over – Coffee Maker

From selecting the right grind size to the perfect water temperature, this article will teach you how to make the perfect cup of coffee with a pour-over – coffee maker.

Who invented the pour-over?

In the early 1900s, percolated coffee was all the rage across Europe—but one German woman, a lady called Amalie Auguste Melitta Bentz, was fed up with the stray ground and the signature strength of a cup of percolated coffee. So in her quest to make a cup of coffee that suited her picky palate, she devised the first iteration of the pour-over funnel: a brass pot with a hole in it and a blotting paper inside to serve as a filter.

What is the pour over method of coffee making?

pour over coffee

But before we can get into the procedure of Pour Over methods of coffee making, you must understand what Pour over really is. Most of you know what it is but have not heard of it being called Pour Over.

The Pour Over coffee method involves pouring warm water over the coffee grounds. These grounds are placed in a filter made of any material such as metal, paper, or cloth. The fact that the water flows right through the coffee means it is not as strong as one would like.

The benefits & disadvantages of using a pour over

There are many benefits to using a pour over coffee maker, including the fact that it is very easy to use and clean. Additionally, it allows you to control the amount of water that goes into your cup of coffee, which means you can make a stronger or weaker cup depending on your preferences. Finally, using a pour over coffee maker can help improve the taste of your coffee since it evenly distributes water over the grounds.

One potential downside of using a pour over coffee maker is that it can take a bit longer to brew a cup of coffee than other methods. Additionally, if you don’t use the right amount of coffee grounds or water, your coffee can end up being too weak or too strong. Finally, you need to be careful not to over-brew your coffee, or else it will become bitter.

What equipment do you need to make pour over coffee

Making pour-over coffee is a simple and rewarding process. It requires the right equipment, freshly ground coffee beans, and clean, filtered water. Here’s what you need to make delicious pour-over coffee:

  • Coffee Beans: Start with freshly roasted, high-quality coffee beans. Whole beans will provide the best flavor, and grinding them just before brewing will ensure the freshest cup of coffee possible.
  • Filter: A pour-over coffee maker usually comes with a paper filter, but you can also use a reusable metal filter.
  • kettle: You will need a kettle to heat your water. An electric gooseneck kettle with temperature control is ideal.
  • Carafe: Choose a carafe to hold your brewed coffee. A glass carafe is popular for pour over coffee, but you can also use a ceramic or metal carafe if you prefer.
  • Coffee Grinder: A burr grinder is best for grinding your coffee beans. A blade grinder works too, but it won’t give you as consistent of a grind as a burr grinder.
  • Scale: It’s important to measure the amount of ground coffee and water you are using for the best results. A kitchen scale will help you do this accurately.
  • Timer: A timer can help you keep track of the brew time with ease.
  • Spoon: A teaspoon can be used to level the coffee grounds and remove any grounds that may have settled on top of the brew.
  • Thermometer: A thermometer can help ensure that your water is not too hot or too cold, which can ruin the coffee.

How to use a Pour-Over for coffee

Pour over coffee, although relatively simple, can be made in various ways. But before we get into all of those, here are some general tips to get the best out of your pour over coffee:

  • Choose good quality coffee to brew. The most popular sources of high-quality coffee include coffee from Ethiopia and costa Rica.
  • Grinding the Coffee is essential for a pour-over coffee. However, you cannot land on the perfect grind the first time you experiment with it. Therefore, keep trying different grinds until you get the right one.
  • Using the right filter. Most coffee enthusiasts will tell you that the paper filter is the only paper you should use for a great cup of coffee. But it is a matter of preference.
  • Water purity is also essential. Using pure water to brew your coffee will yield much better results than normal tap water. That is why people often make use of bottled water for their coffee.
  • Heat the water. The ideal water temperature is 195-205 degrees Fahrenheit (90-96 degrees Celsius). 
  • Fit to perfection. Perhaps it might seem like a huge hassle, but the more accurate you are with your measurements, the closer you get to your perfect cup of coffee. So, it is recommended that you use a scale to get your measurements.
  • Blooming your coffee grounds. Introduce a small volume of hot water by pouring a thin stream around the outside and inward until you hit the middle. The target is to get all the coffee wet but not enough to start dripping. While the coffee bloom only lasts about 15-20 seconds, it’s a critical period in that you can keep the coffee completely undisturbed.
  • Consistent saturation of the coffee is key to producing the best flavor. You should be mindful of how quickly and how much water you’re pouring over your coffee

How to use each pour over coffee maker

With these tips in mind, you can move forward to the actual process of making pour-over coffee. Here are all of those ways summarized to help you choose the best one for you:

Using the V60

Hario V60 Ceramic Coffee Dripper, Size 02, White

The V60 is a seemingly simple dripper that has much more going on inside it. Instead of being a simple dripper, it has spiral ridges inside that lead to an unconventional wide opening at the bottom that leads the coffee into a small cup. The ridges are meant to ensure that the filter paper does not stick to the walls of the dripper. In addition, you can find the V60 in different materials, which allow for different weights, durability, and finishes.

Hario V60 Ceramic Coffee Dripper, Size 02, White

The procedure begins with a simple paper filter placed in the funnel space of the V60. Once the filter is positioned correctly, place the ground coffee in the filter. The preferred level of grind is between fine and medium for the V60. Next, make sure the coffee grounds are well set and pour some water – just enough to get the coffee wet – on the filter paper.

After waiting 45 seconds, continue pouring water all over the coffee grounds until you have the quantity you want. Also, ensure that the water you are pouring does not flow onto the exposed walls of the dripper.

Using the Kone

Pour Over Filter for Hario V60 and Chemex - Reusable Coffee Filter for Hario V60 Filter and Chemex Coffee Filter

Unlike the V60, Kone is a filter more than it is an entire piece of equipment. Unsurprisingly, Kone is a cone-shaped filter made from metal that can be used in a Chemex. The Kone has tiny holes that make sure that it keeps the coffee granules out of your actual coffee. The Kone is made of stainless steel, given how much it is used with water.

As with most metal utensils, the Kone should be preheated by rinsing it with hot water. Once you have done this, fill the Kone with the ground coffee on the Chemex. Once the coffee is nicely settled on the Kone, start pouring water very slowly and stop pouring a small amount, like with the V60. After 30-45 seconds, resume pouring in the same circular manner as in the cone for about a minute or so. After that, you can pour the coffee right in the middle of the Kone and have coffee.

Using the Chemex

Chemex Classic Series, Pour-over Glass Coffeemaker, 8-Cup

The Chemex is an aesthetically pleasing pour-over coffee maker that makes for one great serving utensil. The Chemex uses thick filter paper that uses medium-ground coffee granules.

Chemex Classic Series, Pour-over Glass Coffeemaker, 8-Cup

Since this paper filter is very thick, it is better to preheat it by rinsing it with hot water before use. This also ensures the paper is clean of any impurities and its paper taste. Use the same method with the paper filter you used with the Kone of evening out the coffee bed and pouring coffee over it with periodic pauses. However, since the paper is tightly packed against the wall, the water will flow through easily but do not let it mess with your pauses.

Using the Bee House

Bee House coffee

The Bee House is the most unique among all of this equipment. The Bee House is designed to be used directly with your coffee mugs. It is designed in the shape of a slice with ridges on the inner wall, like in the V60. In addition, this dripper has two small holes for coffee to flow into the mug.

Bee House coffee

You can use filter paper with the Bee House and set it in the dripper. But, again, you should preheat it with warm water and remove the taste of the paper.

Bee House coffee

Use a similar procedure of adding just a little water to make the coffee wet and then letting it rest for 30-45 seconds. The next phase is divided into three steps pouring one-third of the entire water every time.

Using the Woodneck

woodneck coffee maker

The Woodneck comes with a cloth filter, unlike all the other equipment. It is also made up of three parts: a decanter and a wood collar other than the filter itself. Using a fine or medium grind, pour the coffee granules into the filter and start pouring water. Only pour enough to wet the coffee grounds, and then let it rest for about 30 seconds.

Like with the V60, pour the rest of the water in circles, ensuring all the coffee is wet and pouring in the desired amount of water for your coffee.

Using the Kalita Wave

The Kalita Wave is another one of the peculiarly designed coffee drippers out there. Why? Because it is one of the very few drippers out there that has a flat base, making it look more like a mug than a dripper. The Kalita also uses unique filters designed to stay clear of the wall of the dripper.

Kalita Wave

Once the filter covers the three triangular holes at the bottom and the medium-coarse ground coffee is set in the Kalita Wave, you can start pouring the water. Like the V60 method, you pour once to make the grounds wet and then again. But, in doing so, ensure that there is as little distance between the water being poured and the coffee grounds as possible.

You can either pour continuously or take small breaks between pouring as you go along. You will have to experiment a little before you decide which method works for you.

How to select and grind the coffee beans

Using a pour over coffee maker is a great way to enjoy a cup of freshly brewed coffee. But to get the best out of your pour over coffee maker, you need to start with selecting and grinding the right kind of coffee beans.

When selecting beans for your pour over, look for specialty beans that are freshly roasted. The roast level will affect the flavor of your coffee, so it is important to choose beans that will give you the flavor you desire. Darker roasts will give you a bolder and more intense flavor, while lighter roasts will have more subtle flavors.

Does grind size matter?

Grind size matters not only in the taste of the coffee but also in the choice of filter paper. If the coffee granules flow through the filter, your coffee will be murky.

Once you have selected your beans, you’ll need to grind them. For pour over coffee, the best grind to use is a medium-coarse grind. A medium-coarse grind will be similar in size to a sea salt grain and is ideal for extracting the right amount of flavor from your beans. If your blender has a “grinder” or “medium-high” setting, select it.

Once your beans are properly ground, you’re ready to brew your coffee with your pour over coffee maker. Be sure to place your brewer on a heatproof, non-slip surface and add the proper amount of ground coffee beans to the cone-shaped filter. Pour hot water slowly and evenly over the grounds, being sure to cover all of them in water for an even extraction. Once all the water has been poured over the grounds, wait a couple of minutes for all the coffee to drip into the carafe.

Now that you know how to brew your own cup of coffee with a pour over coffee maker, it’s time to get started. Be sure to experiment with different brewing methods and different grind sizes in order to find the perfect taste for your morning cup of joe.

What is the perfect ratio of coffee grounds to water for pour over

The ratio of coffee grounds to water for a pour-over is typically 16:1 or 15:1, meaning 16 grams of water for every gram of coffee. This ratio helps when measuring the dose and adjusting for taste.

The Specialty Coffee Association recommends a ratio of 55 grams of coffee per liter (1) of water, which is just under two ounces. Depending on the size of the pour-over, a good starting point is 30-60 grams of coffee for 500 ml of water. If there is too much coffee, it may overflow the brewer. Following a consistent ratio will help ensure you get the best flavor from your cup of coffee.

Don’t want to drink that much coffee? Here’s a breakdown of water to coffee ratio for pour-over

Pre-infusion and blooms

Pre-infusion is the first step in making a delicious cup of coffee with your pour over coffee maker. Pre-infusion is the process of saturating the coffee grounds with a small amount of water before brewing.

This allows the coffee grounds to expand and release their flavor more evenly. To pre-infuse, lift the lever only part way so that water flows slowly and evenly over the grounds. Wait for 30 seconds or so before continuing with the brewing process.

After pre-infusing, it’s time to “ bloom” your coffee. This is when you add more hot water to the grounds and let them sit for about 30 seconds. Bloom helps to release the flavor and aroma of the beans and can make a big difference in the taste of your coffee.

Once you’ve bloomed your coffee, it’s time to start pouring the water for brewing. Start in the center of the grounds and slowly move in circles, pouring until you reach your desired level. It’s important to keep your pour steady as too much water can ruin the flavor of your

Pouring the water slowly and evenly

Pouring the water for your pour-over coffee maker is a critical step in brewing a perfect cup! The key is to pour slowly and evenly, in order to evenly extract the coffee from the grinds. Start by heating up your water—the ideal temperature is between 195 and 205 degrees Fahrenheit. Then, set up your pour-over coffee maker with a filter and add the coffee grounds.

Starting your timer, slowly start pouring hot water over the coffee grounds, starting by filling the little well and saturating all your coffee. After 30-45 seconds of blooming, keep pouring slowly. To ensure an even extraction of flavor, tip the dripper to make a 90 degree angle between the water and the surface of the coffee grounds. Then, move the pot to draw a small circle. Continue pouring in concentric circles until you reach the desired amount of water.

Avoid stirring methodology

Stirring while making coffee with a pour-over device should be avoided as it can create an inconsistent brew. Instead, use a slow and steady pouring technique to ensure all of the grounds get evenly saturated with water.

Keeping track of time & temperature

To use a pour-over coffee maker, start by heating water to the desired temperature. The optimal temperature for brewing coffee is between 195 to 205 degrees Fahrenheit. Pre-heat the pour-over coffee maker before beginning, as this will help ensure an even distribution of heat throughout the brewing process.

Next, measure out your desired amount of coffee grounds and add them to the filter. Place the filter with grounds into the pour-over coffee maker and slowly pour in the heated water. Start pouring the water in the center of the grounds and continue in a circular motion. This will help ensure that all of the grounds are evenly saturated with water.

Once all of the water is added, set a timer for the desired brew time. While most pour over recipes suggest a 3-4 minute brew time, you can adjust this depending on your taste preferences. Once your timer goes off, lift the filter out of the pour-over coffee maker and discard it. You should now have a delicious cup of pour-over coffee that was brewed with perfect timing and temperature accuracy!

Using a thermometer for perfect results every time

Using a thermometer to make the perfect cup of pour over coffee can ensure the perfect flavor and strength of your coffee. A thermometer is an essential tool for achieving the optimum brewing temperature. When water is too hot, it can extract too much bitterness and acidity from the beans. When it’s too cool, it won’t be able to extract as much flavor.

Using a thermometer for pour over coffee is simple. Begin by bringing your water to a boil. Once boiling, immediately remove from heat and let cool for about a minute before pouring your water over the grounds. Check the temperature with your thermometer and adjust it if necessary. The ideal temperature range for pour over coffee is between 195-205°F (90-96°C).

Once you’ve reached your desired temperature, use a gooseneck kettle to evenly pour the water over the grounds in circular motions. Make sure to keep the water level consistent throughout the brewing process. Once you’ve poured all of the water, wait 3-4 minutes and then enjoy your perfect cup of coffee!

With a thermometer in hand, you’ll be able to replicate your favorite recipes with consistent results each time. Investing in a quality thermometer can help you make pour over coffee with perfect results every time.

Clean Up & Storage Tips

Clean up and storage tips related to how to use a pour over coffee maker are essential for a great tasting cup of coffee every time. Proper cleaning and storage will keep your pour over coffee maker in working order and ensure that your coffee tastes its best. Here are some tips to help you clean up and store your pour over coffee maker:

  • After each use, if you are using a reusable filter, empty out the grounds from the filter and discard them. This will help keep the filter from clogging in the future.
  • Rinse out the filter and carafe after each use with warm water and soap. It’s important to clean out any leftover grounds or oils that may have been left behind.
  • To prevent bacteria growth, it’s best to air dry all parts of the pour over before storing it away.
  • Store the pour over in a cool, dry place, away from any direct sunlight or heat sources.
  • For added protection against dust and dirt, wrap the carafe and filter in protective wrap before storing it away.

Following these simple tips will ensure that your pour over coffee maker stays in working order and makes great tasting coffee every time you use it!


Using a pour-over coffee maker is a simple and effective way to make great tasting coffee. The process involves pouring hot water over ground coffee, allowing the grounds to steep, and then straining the coffee through a filter.

This method of brewing coffee allows for more control over the flavor and strength of the brew than many other coffee makers. When using a pour-over coffee maker, it is important to use the right type of filter, grind the coffee to the proper size, and use the right ratio of water to coffee.

For best results, allow the coffee to steep for several minutes and pour slowly when adding the water. With a little practice, anyone can make delicious pour-over coffee.

Is pour over better than a regular drip coffee maker?

pour over coffee

The pour-over coffee method allows you to control your variables. Pour-over coffee gives you that same excitement while making your coffee for the 100th time because you are mostly unaware of how it will turn out. You can pour however you like, keep the temperature you prefer, and use the filter of your choice.

On the other hand, a dripping mechanism does not allow you as much control over your coffee. The dripping method keeps the fatty acids out of your coffee by effective filtering. Therefore, your cholesterol level does not rise due to your coffee consumption. Some people might also believe that dripping allows for great aromas.

However, dripping methods mean a rigorous effort to clean the coffee machine. If you are too lazy to do it, you might risk getting ill due to the residue from your last batch. Moreover, it does not allow for customizability. Although it will save you time to make coffee with dripping machines, it definitely does not give you the same excitement as with pour over.

Is pour-over better than french press?

Unlike dripping methods, French Press allows you some customizability for your coffee. This happens with the choice to use the size of your coffee granules and the strength of the grounds. However, in a French Press method, coffee granules often find their way into the coffee, which ruins its texture. Also, like the Dripping, cleaning the French press is very difficult and can lead to health issues.

Furthermore, it has been seen that the French Press allows bad cholesterol to seep into your coffee and affect your heart condition. As compared to the pour over method, however, it has been seen that the French Press allows for much better flavor and strength of coffee that you get. The stronger the coffee, the stronger the energy boost it will give you.

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Editorial Staff

The editorial staff at Crazy Coffee Crave is a team of coffee enthusiasts & Baristas who enjoy the one thing we all think about as soon as we get up in the morning. Trusted by thousands of readers worldwide.