What is Breve Coffee? The Best Short Coffee Drink?

crazy by Editorial Staff | Updated on May 23rd, 2023

Do you dream of a creamy, luxurious coffee drink that perfectly balances richness and sweetness? Breve coffee might be your answer.

This American twist on the classic Italian latte combines the boldness of espresso with the decadence of steamed half-and-half.

What is Breve Coffee

In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about breve coffee, including its unique flavor profile, how to make it at home, and its variations.

What is Breve Coffee?

Breve coffee is an espresso-based drink made with steamed half-and-half instead of milk. Half-and-half is a blend of equal parts whole milk and light cream, resulting in a drink with more calories and fat than a standard cappuccino or latte.

With a fat content of 10 to 12%, breve coffee offers a creamier texture and a sweeter taste compared to other espresso drinks. It’s an American variation of the Italian latte, topped with a layer of frothed milk foam. If you’re looking for a rich, sugarless espresso drink, breve coffee is the perfect choice.

How do you pronounce “breve coffee”?

“Breve coffee” is pronounced as “breh-vay coffee.”

The Origin and History of Breve Coffee

The term “breve” is derived from the Italian word that means short, little, concise, or brief. The drink earned its name because of the use of half-and-half, which creates a shorter, more concentrated beverage compared to using regular milk.

Although the exact origin of breve coffee cannot be traced to a specific cafe or event, it has been a favorite among coffee enthusiasts for many years. It’s a sweet, espresso-based drink that combines the boldness of espresso with the creaminess of steamed half-and-half.

Cultural and Regional Variations of Breve Coffee

While breve coffee is an American variation of the Italian latte, coffee lovers around the world have embraced similar drinks with regional twists:

  • Café con Leche: In Spain and Latin America, “Café con Leche” (coffee with milk) is a popular drink made with strong coffee and steamed milk, often enjoyed with breakfast.
  • Flat White: In Australia and New Zealand, the “Flat White” is a popular espresso drink made with microfoamed milk, resulting in a velvety and smooth texture.

Explore and enjoy the different variations of espresso-based drinks from around the world!

The Difference Between Breve and Other Coffees

What sets breve coffee apart from other coffee variations is its unique flavor and texture. Unlike regular latte, cappuccino, or macchiato, breve is made with a combination of half-and-half and espresso, resulting in a creamier and fuller taste.

The half-and-half adds a hint of sweetness and a slightly caramelized note, while the espresso gives it a strong coffee flavor. Breve is also thicker and more frothy than other coffee drinks, making it an excellent choice for those who prefer a robust coffee experience.

Brewing Methods for Espresso in Breve Coffee

The choice of brewing method for the espresso component can influence the flavor of your breve coffee. Here are some brewing options:

  • Espresso Machine: An espresso machine delivers a rich and bold espresso shot, perfect for breve coffee. Read our how to make an espresso.
  • Moka Pot: A Moka pot provides a strong and concentrated coffee that works well as a base for breve coffee. Read our Moka Pot brewing guide.
  • Aeropress: The Aeropress offers a smooth and less acidic espresso alternative that complements the creaminess of breve coffee. Read our Aeropress guide.

How to Make a Breve Coffee at Home

Making a breve coffee at home is simple with the following steps:

  • Ensure your half-and-half is ice-cold and straight out of the fridge. Warm half-and-half will not foam correctly.
  • Use a thermometer to regulate heat. Aim for 160°F (71°C). Overheating will burn the half-and-half.
  • Position your steam wand just below the surface of the half-and-half. Aim for a light hissing noise and a whirlpool motion that raises the volume without creating thick bubbles.
  • Stop steaming when the temperature reaches around 140°F (60°C).
  • Make 1-2 shots of espresso, depending on the desired strength.
  • Use a spoon to separate the silky foam from the steamed half-and-half, allowing the liquid to flow into your cup.
  • Gently scoop the foam onto the drink.
  • Slowly pour the espresso into the mixture, creating a subtle gradient from espresso to half-and-half.

Serving Suggestions for Breve Coffee

Elevate your breve coffee experience with these creative serving suggestions:

  • Glass Mug: Serve breve coffee in a glass mug to showcase the beautiful layers of espresso and frothed half-and-half.
  • Cocoa Dusting: Garnish your breve coffee with a dusting of cocoa powder for a visually appealing and chocolatey finish.
  • Cinnamon Sprinkle: Add a sprinkle of cinnamon on top of the froth for a warm and aromatic touch.

Recipe Variations for Breve Coffee

While traditional breve coffee uses half-and-half, there are several variations to explore. For a chocolatey twist, try a mocha breve, which adds chocolate syrup to the mix. For a healthier option, use alternative milk options such as almond or soy milk. These variations offer unique flavors and textures, allowing you to customize your breve coffee to suit your taste preferences.

Breve coffee is versatile and can be customized with various flavors to suit your taste preferences. Here are some delicious recipe variations to try:

  • Vanilla Breve: Add a splash of vanilla syrup to your breve coffee for a hint of sweetness and a soothing aroma.
  • Caramel Breve: Drizzle caramel sauce over your breve coffee for a rich, indulgent flavor.
  • Pumpkin Spice Breve: Add a dash of pumpkin spice to your breve coffee for a cozy, autumnal twist.

Experiment with flavored syrups, spices, and toppings to create your own unique breve coffee experience.

Substitutes for Half-and-Half

If you prefer a dairy-free alternative to half-and-half, consider using the following substitutes:

  • Coconut Cream: Coconut cream adds a rich and creamy texture to breve coffee with a subtle tropical flavor.
  • Oat Cream: Oat cream offers a plant-based alternative with a smooth, velvety texture that complements the espresso.
  • Cashew Cream: Cashew cream provides a nutty, creamy, and dairy-free option for breve coffee lovers.

Experiment with different alternatives to find the one that best suits your dietary preferences and taste.

Perfect Pairings with Breve Coffee

The rich and creamy flavor of breve coffee pairs well with a variety of snacks and breakfast items. Here are some perfect pairings:

  • Pastries: Croissants, Danish pastries, and cinnamon rolls complement the creamy sweetness of breve coffee.
  • Biscotti: The crunchy texture of biscotti contrasts beautifully with the smoothness of breve coffee.
  • Light Breakfast: Breve coffee pairs well with yogurt, granola, or a fresh fruit bowl for a balanced breakfast.

Nutritional Considerations of Breve Coffee

When it comes to nutrition, it’s important to note that breve coffee is higher in calories, fat, and cholesterol compared to a regular latte. A 6-ounce serving of breve coffee can contain over 600 calories due to the use of half-and-half.

The high-fat content contributes to its creamy texture and sweet taste. As such, it’s recommended to enjoy breve coffee in moderation and reserve it for special occasions. For a daily coffee fix, opt for a regular latte or other lower-calorie options.

Nutritional Comparison of Breve Coffee and Other Espresso Drinks

Breve coffee tends to have higher calories and fat content compared to other espresso drinks due to the use of half-and-half. Here’s a nutritional comparison:

  • Breve Coffee: A 6-ounce serving of breve coffee can contain over 600 calories, with higher levels of fat and cholesterol.
  • Latte: A standard latte made with whole milk has fewer calories (about 130 calories for a 6-ounce serving) and less fat.
  • Cappuccino: A cappuccino has similar calories to a latte (about 110 calories for a 6-ounce serving) but with a higher foam-to-milk ratio.


Breve coffee is a decadent espresso-based drink that offers a delightful balance of richness and sweetness. An American take on the classic Italian latte, it uses equal parts of steamed half-and-half and strong espresso for a creamy, indulgent flavor. Whether you’re making it at home or ordering it at your favorite coffee shop, breve coffee is sure to be a luxurious and satisfying treat.

Now that you’re equipped with the knowledge of what breve coffee is, how it’s made, and its variations, feel free to experiment and find your perfect cup. If you need help or have questions along the way, we’re here to lend a hand. Cheers to delicious coffee experiences!

FAQs about Breve Coffee

How is breve coffee different from a regular latte?

The primary difference between breve coffee and a regular latte is the type of dairy used. Breve coffee is made with steamed half-and-half, while a regular latte is made with steamed milk. As a result, breve coffee has a creamier and richer flavor compared to a latte.

Can I order a breve coffee at Starbucks?

Yes, you can order a breve coffee at Starbucks even though it’s not listed on the menu board. Simply ask for a “breve” or “café breve,” and the baristas will understand that you want a drink made with half-and-half. The result will be a creamier and richer drink than a traditional latte.

Can I make breve coffee at home?

Yes, you can easily make breve coffee at home. You’ll need espresso and half-and-half, which you’ll steam to create a creamy texture. The key is to use cold half-and-half and regulate the temperature to avoid burning it. Follow the steps provided in the “How to Make a Breve Coffee at Home” section of the article for detailed instructions.

Is breve coffee high in calories?

Breve coffee is higher in calories, fat, and cholesterol compared to a regular latte due to the use of half-and-half. For example, a 6-ounce serving of breve coffee can contain over 600 calories. It’s best to enjoy breve coffee in moderation and reserve it for special occasions.

Are there variations of breve coffee?

Yes, there are variations of breve coffee, including mocha breve, which adds chocolate syrup to the drink. You can also make breve coffee with alternative milk options, such as almond or soy milk, for a healthier version.


Editorial Staff

The editorial staff at Crazy Coffee Crave is a team of coffee enthusiasts & Baristas who enjoy the one thing we all think about as soon as we get up in the morning. Trusted by thousands of readers worldwide.