How to Make Coffee Taste Good Without Creamer

crazy by Editorial Staff | Updated on April 26th, 2023

If you love the taste of coffee but don’t like the extra calories that come with creamer, then this blog post is for you. We’ll show you how to make coffee taste great without adding creamers or sugar.

From different brewing methods to adding spices and flavorings, we have some tips and tricks to help you make your coffee the way you like it.

round black container on top of white surface

Start with high-Quality coffee

If you want to make sure your coffee tastes good without creamer, it’s important to start with the best quality coffee beans you can find. The fresher the beans, the better the taste.

Look for whole bean coffees that have been recently roasted, preferably ones that have been roasted within the last few weeks. If you don’t have a coffee grinder, buy whole beans and grind them in the store – most roasters will do this for you without thinking twice. You’ll get the freshest possible beans and the best flavor in your cup.

Use the right grinds

Using the correct grind size for your chosen brewing technique is essential for making a good cup of coffee. The grind size determines how quickly the water will flow through the coffee grounds, affecting the flavor of the brewed coffee.

If you grind your coffee too coarsely, the water will flow too quickly, resulting in a weak and flavorless cup of coffee. If you grind it too finely, the water will not flow quickly enough, resulting in an overly strong and bitter cup of coffee. To ensure that you get the right grind size for your desired brewing method, you should experiment with different grind sizes until you find one that works best.

Barista Weighs Roasted Coffee Grains

Measure your coffee beans

Making a good cup of coffee starts with the beans. To ensure you get the best flavor, you must measure your coffee beans carefully.

Different types of coffee beans require different amounts of coffee grounds, so it’s important to take the time to measure the right amount of beans for your desired strength. Some people prefer lighter, more subtle brews, while others prefer a stronger cup of joe. Whatever your preference, it’s important to measure your beans before brewing.

A good rule of thumb is to use two tablespoons of coffee grounds per cup of water. You can use up to three tablespoons for a stronger cup of coffee. Using a French press or pour-over method, you can use up to four tablespoons per cup.

Once you’ve measured your beans, you can grind them up or leave them whole, depending on your brewing method. Take the time to measure your beans correctly, and you’ll be rewarded with a delicious cup of coffee.

Use the proper amount of water

Using the right amount of water when making coffee is essential to get the desired flavor. If you use too much water, your coffee will be too watery and weak. On the other hand, if you use too little water, your coffee will be overly concentrated and bitter.

Generally, the recommended ratio for brewing coffee is one part coffee to two parts water. To ensure you’re using the right amount of water for your coffee, measure out your coffee grounds and then measure out double the amount. This will ensure the perfect ratio for a delicious cup of coffee.

Choose the appropriate brewing technique

When it comes to making coffee without creamer, the key is to choose the right brewing method. Different methods will bring out different flavors, so it is important to find the one that works best for you. The most popular methods include pour-over, coffee press, and cold brewing.

Try using a pour-over or French press for a stronger cup of coffee. Cold brew is the way to go to make coffee taste smoother and more balanced. Using a pour-over or French press, use medium-fine grinds and measure your coffee beans properly. For cold brew, use coarse grinds and let the mixture sit for 8-12 hours. Experiment with different brewing techniques and find the one that suits your taste.

Experiment with different temperatures

The temperature of your coffee can play a major role in how it tastes. If you are making coffee from a drip machine, many of them have adjustable settings so you can choose the temperature that works best for you. If you’re using a French press, try different temperatures to see which one you like best.

Generally speaking, the hotter the water, the more bitter the taste. Try cooler temperatures if you’re trying to make a sweeter cup of coffee. You can add cold brew concentrate to your freshly brewed coffee for a unique flavor. Whatever temperature you choose, ensure it’s hot enough to extract all the flavors and oils from your beans.

Preheat your cup or french press

Preheating your cup or French press before you start brewing can make a big difference in the flavor of your coffee. Preheating the cup or French press helps keep the coffee’s temperature steady throughout the brewing process. This can help maximize the flavor of the coffee and make for a better cup.

Additionally, preheating your cup or French press can help to reduce any heat loss that may occur during the brewing process. To preheat your cup or French press, fill it with hot water and let it sit for a few minutes before discarding the water and adding your freshly ground coffee.

Don’t let it sit too long after the brewing

When making coffee taste good without creamer, timing is everything. Once your coffee is brewed, it should be consumed right away. This is because coffee loses its flavor and aroma quickly after brewing. If you let the coffee sit too long, the flavor will become dull, and the aroma will be lost.

To ensure that you get the best-tasting cup of coffee, try to drink it within 15 minutes of brewing. If you must store your coffee, transfer it to an airtight container and store it in the refrigerator. This will help keep your coffee fresh and flavorful for up to a week.

Try adding spices, herbs, and other natural flavors to your coffee

Adding spices and herbs to your coffee can be a great way to add flavor without adding calories or creamer. Before brewing, you can add ground spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, or ginger directly into the grounds. You can add whole spices such as cardamom pods, vanilla beans, or bay leaves.

Adding these spices and herbs during the brewing stage will help enhance your coffee’s flavor without adding extra calories. You can even try making your own pumpkin spice coffee creamer by adding a dash of pumpkin puree to your cold brew. This adds a unique sweetness and flavor to your coffee without any added calories. The possibilities are endless for spicing up your cup of joe!

Sugar for your coffee

white sugar cube on white ceramic plate

Sugar is a great addition to a cup of coffee and a good alternative when you don’t have creamer. It helps mask the bitterness and acidity in coffee, making your drink more palatable. However, ensure not to add too much sugar, which can hurt your health. 



Is your java lacking in lighter notes? Adding cardamon will make your brew great and more palatable. Bonus! Cardamon is described as minty, spicy, citrusy, and herbal at the same time. Give it a shot!


honey jar with honey comb

Honey is a good alternative to sugar. It has more antioxidants and vitamins than sugar and tastes great. However, you need to be cautious when putting it in your cup because it is also sugar once it enters your body. Hence not a good alternative if you live a sugar-free lifestyle.



Cinnamon and coffee pair very well together. It has great health benefits, including improving blood sugar levels. Add some hot coffee for a subtle flavor to the coffee. 

Coconut oil

Coconut oil

Adding a bit of coconut oil to your coffee improves the flavor. However, you don’t need to add too much. It is common to see people adding coconut oil and coffee into a blender to properly include the thicker consistency of the oil into the coffee. Unfortunately, adding coconut oil to coffee makes it a bit frothier than normal! 



Agave is sweeter than sugar and has a taste similar to honey. This means you add a little, and you are good to go.

Vanilla extract


You will love vanilla extract if you can’t sip coffee without a creamer. Just add a few drops of pure extract to your pot before brewing. You can also add vanilla beans to your ground to infuse before brewing. 

Bonus! Leave your vanilla beans in the coffee grounds longer for the best results. 

Almond extract

brown almond nuts on brown wooden surface

Most coffee lovers are aware of this extract. You need to add a small amount (1/4 of a tablespoon) to turn your sub-par brew into something tastier. Adding too much will spoil the fun if you have to add more and taste before doing so. 

Flavored syrups

Torani 4x Set

Flavored syrups are an excellent way of making coffee without creamer. For example, think of your favorite latte or cappuccino flavor and buy the syrup for that. 

Syrups containing sugar are a good option as they give you a whole array of options.

Protein powder

woman in white crew neck t-shirt holding red plastic cup

Protein powder is another add-in. You can get a frothy cappuccino-like texture depending on how you mix it. And the flavor options are endless.



Stevia is a good alternative to sugar, and you just a little. Instead of using tablespoons of regular sugar, you only need a few sprinkles of stevia.

Egg yolk

seven chicken eggs

Yes, egg yolk is a good alternative to creamer. It is an excellent emulsifier, has a lot of nutrients, and blends into coffee for a silky smooth finish. 

Swap your mug out

A 2014 research on flavor unearthed that your coffee mug’s color can impact how bitter or sweet a cup of coffee is to be. The study revealed that subjects perceived coffee to be more intense when drinking from a white mug than from a transparent mug. While more research is needed, it may be worth shifting to a more transparent mug for your brew to “taste” less bitter.

Does salt in coffee taste good?

Yes, it does. Salt helps neutralize the acidic and bitter flavor of the coffee. You can count on salt for a Chemex coffee gone wrong or when you unintentionally use light roast instead of your favorite medium. Remember not to add too much, as too much sodium is not good for your health. 


When making coffee taste good without creamer, there are a few things to consider. Start by selecting high-quality coffee beans and the right grinds for your brewing technique. Measure out the coffee grounds and water, and experiment with different temperatures.

Preheat your cup or French press before brewing, and don’t let the coffee sit too long after it’s done. Finally, add spices and herbs to your coffee to boost the flavor. With these tips, you can make a delicious cup of coffee without creamer.

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Disclosure: No compensation or free products were received in exchange for writing this review.


Editorial Staff

The editorial staff at Crazy Coffee Crave is a team of coffee enthusiasts & Baristas who enjoy the one thing we all think about as soon as we get up in the morning. Trusted by thousands of readers worldwide.