7 Best Almond Milk Frothers Reviewed & Comparisons

crazy by Editorial Staff | Updated on July 28th, 2023

Do you prefer almond milk versus regular milk? Looking to froth your almond milk but don’t know which one works with almond milk?

Various frothers on the market are designed differently to fulfill the demands of all consumers, whether you want to drink something delicious at home or when traveling.

milk frother

In summary, the best model for you is determined by your preferences and frothing requirements for your almond milk.


Zulay Kitchen Executive Series Milk Frother Wand -...

Souvia Automatic Milk Frother and Steamer, Temperature...

Secura Milk Frother, Electric Milk Steamer Stainless...
Device typeHandheldAutomaticAutomatic
CapacityNo Base700 Milliliters125 ml (for milk froth preparation), 250 ml (for hot milk preparation)

1. Top Pick: Zulay original milk frother

You can effortlessly make wonderful, creamy froth in the comfort of your own home with the battery-operated Zulay Original Milk Frother for almond milk. It is a multifunctional gadget that can blend varieties of coffee such as latte, cappuccino, matcha, hot chocolate, frape, and so many more.

You may also use it to froth whole milk, creamer, soy, cashews, and other liquids. We also noticed that the Zulay Original Milk Frother is made of high-quality materials. The whisk, for example, is composed of stainless steel for durability and rust resistance, while the ergonomic handle is constructed of a durable plastic design.

The Zulay handheld milk frother is very simple to maintain. To clean the whisk, soak it in hot running water. The sturdy, handy metal stand will also make it easy to store this equipment. You may keep it on your kitchen table or in a drawer with other cooking utensils. This machine also runs quietly, and its engine is equipped with energy-saving features to help you save money on your utility costs.


The Zulay Original Milk Frother may combine different types of coffee. It is made of rust-resistant and long-lasting materials. Most people like how simple it is to clean and store.


Rather than a sliding bar, this milk frother has a button. To operate or stop it, you must push the button, which might be difficult for persons with arthritis. Its batteries are available for purchase separately.

2. Souvia automatic milk frother and steamer machine

This stainless-steel steamer machine and milk frother feature a handy jug spout so you can pour your froth without splattering your counters. Its stainless-steel detachable jug is also well-supported by a strong plastic base.

Cappuccino, iced coffee, or hot chocolate may all be made with this frother. Its temperature settings feature allows you to choose how hot or cold you want your milk froth to be. According to experts, you may manually adjust your settings to froth milk at your chosen temperature.

According to experts, you may use this frother for various kinds of milk, including soy, coconut, skim, and almond milk. Then, after you’ve finished serving, you may clean it in the dishwasher. The disks separate easily, which is a plus.


  • This device can froth milk for the entire family or a large group of people. In addition, it features excellent temperature settings for producing cold or hot milk froth.
  • Produces delicate and creamy froth with nondairy milk if a dash of soy creamer is added to the milk.
  • Temperature is adjustable. You can use the hottest setting to scald the milk.
  • Has magnetic storage for the whisking discs at the backside of the base
  • Constructed with high-quality stainless steel.


Unlike the Zulay Original Milk Frother, which froths milk in seconds, this one takes a long time to re-froth.

3. Secura automatic electric milk frother

With a single touch of the button, this frother can froth your almond milk. This takes only two minutes to complete.

Secura milk warmer and frother has taken the top rank on our list for various reasons. This powerful frother will provide you with the performance you want. It is also quite economical and inexpensive on your wallet.

The frother is made of stainless steel and features a removable base. In addition, it has vacuum insulation on the rear. Cleaning is a little hampered because this frother can only be washed with your hands, but it still comes with a cleaning brush.

This product’s design is eye-catching and will easily suit any modern or classic environment, adding amazing elegance to your countertop. It has a maximum capacity of 125 ml, which may be increased to 250 ml if you are processing milk.

This may easily serve your entire family at the same time. It features a superb mechanism and all the indicators you’ll need to regulate the activity by watching how it’s performing through the frothing process.

With its stainless steel exterior and vacuum separation, you may be certain that this formula will last a long time and that the milk will not get sour in a short amount of time.


  • This device has both hot and cold froth features.
  • It is easy to clean, brush included.
  • This frother is easy to use
  • It is also extremely inexpensive. Moreover, it produces the promised results, and it is incredibly sturdy.


  • It sometimes fails to achieve the desired temperature
  • It only comes with one whisk
  • It leaves milk residue.

4. Aerolatte – the original steam-free frother

The Aerolatte portable frother has a Satin finish and is built with travelers in mind. It’s small and portable and comes with a lovely branded protective case. According to experts, the Aerolatte portable frother is 18/8 robust stainless steel.

In addition, it has a BPA-free plastic hand. We also noted that the shaft and spiral whisking head are food-safe stainless steel, which helps keep metals out of your milk froth. The Aerolatte portable frother is a multifunctional whisking machine used to make hot and cold beverages. It may also be used to make custards, egg whites, sauces, and many other things.

The Aerolatte portable frother is simple to use. To produce your froth, first, immerse the whisk end and press and hold the power button. All in all, this machine is an attractive choice for folks who are often on the road. Your drink will be ready in 30 to 60 seconds.


  • The Aerolatte portable frother is less expensive than certain Espresso machines. In addition, it’s constructed with food-safe, high-quality materials and may be used to make various coffee beverages.
  • The Aerolatte portable frother is available in various colors, allowing you to select your favorite.
  • Compact and simple to store.
  • Comes with a generous two-year warranty.
  • More than simply a milk frother for almonds
  • The aero-latte produces excellent results in producing the delicate froth you desire in your cappuccinos, lattes, or hot chocolates.
  • It may also be used to whisk vinaigrette, mayonnaise, and gravies.


  • The contacts on the battery cover could be improved.
  • In addition, several consumers claim that the side button malfunctions. It’s a good machine, but it’s not long-lasting.
  • Other consumers have complained about the motor’s weakness.
  • Requires batteries, which may run out during the frothing process.
  • Does not heat the milk.

Almond milk ready

It is suitable for any type of milk, including almond milk. The whisking head and shaft are made of stainless steel, which can not rust or be damaged, while the handle is made of molded plastic. Because all the materials are quite sturdy, this one will last a very long time.

5. Bellemain stainless steel hand pump milk frother

Because of its small size and portability, the Bellemain Stainless Steel Hand Pump Frother is an excellent choice for intrepid travelers. With this stainless steel frother, you’ll have total control over your milk frothing, resulting in a creamy and rich froth that’s almost as good as some high-end manual versions. Furthermore, the Bellemain Stainless Steel Hand Pump Frother makes thick, long-lasting froth in seconds.

The Bellemain Stainless Steel Hand Pump Frother is likewise composed of food-safe stainless steel that is scratch and corrosion-resistant. Experts agree that it is the most durable manual milk frother on the market. Cleaning this frother is also a breeze because its components are dishwasher safe. Put it in the dishwasher after using it.


Bellemain is a multi-purpose milk frother. It may be used to make delicious hot chocolate, cappuccino, exquisite latte, and other beverages. This equipment is built of heavy-duty stainless steel as well. We also like how it’s great for nomads.


It does not make nice froth, but it will froth your drink. Some people claim it is too small to produce a proper froth. Overall, the look is stunning, but the functionality is subpar.

6. Secura F280R Electric Automatic Milk Frother

Suppose you want to generate buttery froth for cappuccino, latte, hot chocolate, and other great milk drinks with less effort. In that case, the Secura F280R Electric Automatic Milk Frother is your go-to model.

The Secura F280R is a milk frothing machine and a hot chocolate maker. You can use it to heat milk quickly or prepare hot chocolate. According to experts, it can froth a variety of milk.

It also has twice the foam capacity of simple milk frothers in the same price range.

It is dishwasher safe due to its stainless steel construction. Experts also point out that the nonstick wall prevents milk deposits from forming on the wall at all times. The jug can also be removed for easy cleaning.

The Secura F280R Electric Automatic Milk has a heat-resistant handle to keep you safe from burns. With its jug spout, you’ll be able to pour your drinks without splashing.

Regarding safety, the Secura F280R Electric Automatic Milk Frother offers a convenient automatic shutdown feature that prevents overheating.


  • The two whisks are included
  • great design
  • Stainless steel
  • Automatic shut-off
  • Cold and hot settings
  • Price is affordable
  • Makes high-quality froth
  • Dishwasher-safe
  • the handy detachable base makes it easy to clean


  • Does not make the milk too hot
  • Bit noisy

7. PowerLix Milk pro handheld milk frother wand

This inexpensive and simple-to-use portable frother on Amazon has almost 14,000 5-star ratings. The whisk attachment is stainless steel and runs on two AA batteries, making it portable yet risks running out in the middle of frothing.

It comes with a little stand for convenient storage. Reviewers like how quiet and speedy it is (it can froth milk in less than 30 seconds). “My strategy is to do it in quick spurts, lingering on top for no more than one second, then pressing it down to the bottom till the milk cyclone attempts to jump out of the cup!” said one reviewer.


  • A magic wand

This milk frother is suitable for any milk (almond, soy, or even rice milk). It’s incredibly light and ergonomically made for comfort, fitting in your hand like a magic wand.

  • Small and easy to store.
  • Quick froth, easy cleanup

Very easy to clean. Run it under warm soapy water, and that’s all there is. The frothing time is 15 to 20 seconds, so you’ll have wonderful almond milk for your beverage in under a minute.

  • Multifunctional

Don’t just stick to almond milk and coffee. The Milk Pro milk frother can also be used to whisk eggs or combine drinks. Just keep in mind that it will not heat or steam.


  • Does not heat the milk.
  • Requires batteries, which may run out during the frothing process.

Types of Frothers

Milk frothers come in various types, including handheld manual frothing wands and electric frothers. Handheld frothing wands are affordable, small, and ideal for kitchens with limited space. However, these require the milk to be heated separately before frothing. Electric frothers, while larger and more expensive, provide added convenience by doing everything in one device, making them the better choice for those who value ease and convenience.

Almond Milk and Its Frothing

Almond milk, made from almonds, has a sweet, nutty flavor and creamy consistency. It’s healthier than ordinary milk, ideal for lactose-intolerant individuals and vegans, and can be sweetened or flavored. It also typically comes fortified with vitamins A and D. When choosing a milk frother, one must consider various factors, such as type, capacity, and materials.

Factors to Consider when Buying a Frother

While there are many frothers available, selecting the ideal one can be challenging, particularly for frothing almond milk. Consider your budget and needs when choosing a model. Features to consider include type, capacity, materials, design, number of frothing disks, temperature control, ease of use, dishwasher safety, warranty, and price.

Frothers can be classified into three types: handheld, automatic, and steam wands, each with its own set of pros and cons.

  • Handheld frothers are small and affordable, easy to clean, and produce light and frothy milk, but can be less accurate, may splatter milk, and do not heat the milk.
  • Automatic frothers are easy to use and produce high-quality frothed milk, but they can only froth a limited amount of milk at a time, take up more space, and can be harder to clean.
  • Steam wands produce the best micro froth, allowing you to customize your frothed milk for various types of coffees, but can be expensive and require proper techniques to use.

Other important factors include the frother’s capacity, the materials used in its construction, its design, the number of frothing disks it has, its temperature control settings, its ease of use, whether it’s dishwasher-safe, its warranty, and its price.

Frothing Almond Milk

To froth almond milk, always use fresh milk directly from the fridge. Heat the almond milk to almost the same temperature as cow milk while frothing. Then gently swirl the milk in the jug until the surface appears glossy, and pour the milk into the espresso from a higher vantage point.


What type of frother works best with almond milk?

The Zulay Original Milk Frother stood out the most due to its multi-purpose functionality, lightweight, and ease of cleaning.

Is the portable milk frother superior to the electric milk frother? 

It depends on your requirements. A portable milk frother is best for minimizing power use, while a handheld model is best for portability.

Is frothing almond milk different from frothing other milk? 

Yes, almond milk contains water, which can affect the frothing process. Care should be taken not to overheat it, and it should be poured slowly to prevent splitting.

What should one do if the almond milk frother fails to froth the milk? 

Check the milk and the milk frother for any issues. The water-to-almond ratio in the milk or damaged parts in the frother may be causing the problem.

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Editorial Staff

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