7 Best Coffee Plumbed Maker and Water Line Kits

crazy by Editorial Staff | Updated on July 31st, 2023

If you’ve ever found your coffee machine sputtering to a halt mid-brew due to an empty water tank, you can immediately appreciate the advantage of a coffee maker connected directly to your water line. An automatic plumbed coffee maker is a perfect solution, offering both convenience and a continuous supply of fresh water for homes or businesses, eliminating the constant need to refill the water reservoir.

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into key factors to consider when purchasing a direct-plumbed coffee maker. We will walk you through four top-rated models and examine three aftermarket direct plumbing kits that expand your options.

coffee drip maker

The 4 Top-Tier Water Line Coffee Makers + 3 Plumbing Kits

If the coffee makers we’ve presented so far don’t quite hit the mark for you, consider investing in a water line plumbing kit. These kits allow you to connect a variety of coffee makers from multiple manufacturers, vastly broadening your choices. Here, we introduce our three favorite options.

1. Keurig k150p: Top Pick

The Keurig K150P stands out for its versatility and affordability, making it an ideal choice for small or medium-sized businesses or even home use. It features a full-color touchscreen interface for an effortless, visually appealing user experience. This machine prepares a single cup at a time, using K Cups, which come in a wide variety of flavors, including tea and hot chocolate.

With the K150P, you can choose from five different brew sizes ranging from 4 to 12 ounces, and you can control the brew temperature and strength for each cup. Approved by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF), the K150P is robust, hygienic, and fit for commercial use. It also boasts a large 90-ounce water reservoir, one of the largest available, even though it’s designed to be directly connected to a water line.

2. Brew Express – BEC-110

The Brew Express BEC-110BS stands out as a versatile plumbed coffee maker suitable for household and small workplace use. Rather than relying on coffee pods or K Cups, it brews ground coffee beans, giving you a higher quality coffee experience. A bonus feature is its hot water on-demand capability, excellent for tea, hot chocolate, or instant soups.

Unlike most other machines on this list, the Brew Express is not a single-serve brewer. Instead, it includes a 10-cup thermal carafe, keeping your coffee hot all day. It comes with all the essential plumbing equipment, ensuring a hassle-free setup process.

3. Keurig k3500

The Keurig K3500 is a robust commercial machine, perfect for a bustling workplace break room. With its easy-to-use touchscreen display, you can customize cup sizes ranging from 4 to 12 ounces and adjust the brewing temperature and strength. It has two internal water tanks to ensure hot water is always ready, making it efficient for back-to-back usage.

The machine features a sleek and modern design, further enhanced by a full-color touchscreen, making it an excellent addition to any place of business.

4. Bunn MCO single serve

The BUNN My Cafe MCO is a commercial-grade product with unique features. It offers a wide range of cup sizes from 4 ounces to extra-large 16-ounce cups, and the brew sizes can be adjusted in quarter-ounce increments. Internally, the machine uses a unique water jet extraction method, ensuring exceptional results.

3 Best Aftermarket Direct Plumbing Kits

1. Purewater filters’ k filter kit for Keurig

The K Filter kit allows you to connect your Keurig machine to a water line. It contains a PureWater filter (a top brand in the business) and all necessary tubing and valves. The filter’s porous activated carbon eliminates harmful organic compounds and unpleasant tastes and odors from your water, significantly improving your brew’s flavor.

2. Nespresso Coffee Brewers Inline Water Filter Kit

This kit from PureWater enables you to connect most non-commercial Nespresso machines to a water line. It’s linked via the existing water reservoir, making it compatible with a range of models. The package includes all necessary plumbing parts and a water filter, ensuring a clean and healthy water supply for your coffee.

3. PureSec-CMK01 Water Line Kit for a Coffee Maker

The PureSec-CMK01 kit is a universal water line connector, capable of connecting nearly any coffee maker, including Nespresso and Keurig brewers, to your refrigerator’s water line. This kit offers an affordable and straightforward way to connect your coffee maker to your plumbing system.

Understanding Coffee Makers with a Water Line

A coffee maker with a water line, also known as a piped coffee maker, provides convenience by eliminating the need for constant refilling of the machine’s water tank. They can be connected directly to a water supply, automatically pumping just the right amount of water needed for brewing. These machines are typically large, capable of brewing large amounts of coffee at once, making them ideal for commercial use, although some models are suitable for home brewing as well.

While a coffee maker with a water line can offer many benefits, it’s not for everyone. Here are the pros and cons to help you decide if it’s right for you:


  • Convenient, with no need to refill the water reservoir.
  • Provides a fresher taste, as water is not left standing in the tank.
  • Suited for large families or businesses where coffee is brewed frequently.


  • Limited portability due to the need for a direct water line.
  • The installation process may require professional help.
  • Potential for leaks due to the additional plumbing.

If you can overcome these possible hurdles, a direct water line coffee maker can offer significant benefits and convenience.

How to select the best water line coffee, maker

Choosing a water line coffee maker might seem daunting, given the plethora of options available. 

However, these are some key factors you should consider:

  • Volume of Coffee: Depending on your consumption, select between a single-cup or a carafe configuration. Single-serve machines like the K-cup machine allow for individual preference and ease, while carafe-based coffee makers are more sustainable and economical.
  • Ease of Use: It’s essential to evaluate who will be using the coffee maker. If it’s in a workspace, you may want to consider a K-cup or carafe-based system for simplicity and convenience.
  • Environmental Impact: Pod-based systems generate a significant amount of plastic waste. If environmental sustainability is a concern, you may want to consider a carafe system or investigate recycling options for your pods.
  • Budget: Costs can include the coffee maker, installation, water filter, softener, and maintenance. Keep these in mind when making your decision.
  • Cleaning: Regular cleaning is necessary for any coffee machine. Consider a machine with an easy-to-clean system and potentially one that offers a pour-over mode for cleaning.
  • Customization and Material: If you prefer more control over your coffee, opt for a machine that allows customization. The material of the coffee maker can also influence durability and cost, with stainless steel being more durable and costly than plastic.
  • Type and Size: Depending on your preference and space availability, choose from filter coffee machines, automated espresso machines, manual equipment, or capsule models.
  • Waterline Type: Decide between direct and indirect types of coffee makers. Direct coffee makers connect directly to your home’s water supply, while indirect ones work with their own water tank or can be connected to a waterline with a specific kit.
  • Water Filter: Poor water quality can affect the taste of your coffee and the lifespan of your equipment. Consider purchasing a coffee maker with a built-in water filter.

Our top pick is the Keurig K150P due to its sleek design, adequate capacity for a mid-sized company, and easy-to-operate touchscreen display with customization options.

When choosing a coffee machine with a water line, consider the material and whether it includes a plumbing kit. It may require an extra initial cost, but it will be worth it in the long run.

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Disclosure: No compensation or free products were received in exchange for writing this review.


Editorial Staff

The editorial staff at Crazy Coffee Crave is a team of coffee enthusiasts & Baristas who enjoy the one thing we all think about as soon as we get up in the morning. Trusted by thousands of readers worldwide.