How to Use a Coffee Maker Step by Step [Using the typical Drip coffee machine]

crazy by Editorial Staff | Posted on November 2nd, 2022

You have a favorite coffee shop where you spend a lot of money to obtain your daily caffeine fix.

However, having a coffee maker at the office or at home is an easier and frequently less expensive method to enjoy your coffee.

coffee maker

If you’ve ever wondered how to use a coffee maker, this article should educate and assist you in determining what’s ideal for your needs.

If you rather learn how to ruin a pot of coffee, or see if you are doing any of the things mentioned there before reading this, go for it!

Pour in some water

pouring th water

Filling the machine with water is one of the initial stages of using a coffee maker. Many coffee makers include markings on the device or the reservoir to make estimating the quantity of water you need straightforward and quick, but for maximum accuracy, weigh the amount of water you’re adding with a kitchen scale.

Because one milliliter of water weighs one gram, the conversion is simple. You can use tap water in your machine, which is the most convenient alternative.

However, because much tap water contains too many minerals, it’s better to pass it through a water filter. This will yield the finest outcomes. Bottled water also works well, although it generates a lot of trash.

When using a drip coffee machine, do not use purified water because some minerals are required to brew the coffee.

Insert the filter

Drip coffee machines often come with several filter options, ranging from paper to stainless steel. Some coffee makers employ a round-shaped paper filter with a flat bottom.

The filter’s sides are frequently wavy. These are the most typical drip coffee machine paper filters. They’re also easy to utilize. Simply place the filter in the basket, and you’re good to go.

If your coffee maker employs cone-shaped paper filters, remember to fold the crimped edges in opposite directions before inserting them into the filter basket.

reusable filter

However, some drip coffee makers include reusable stainless steel filters. You don’t have to bother about buying fresh filters with these. Stainless steel filters are also quite simple to use.

Grind the beans and place them in the basket

When it comes to coffee, there are a few possibilities. If you buy pre-ground coffee, simply add it to the filter and basket and proceed to the next step!

However, many people prefer whole beans that they grind themselves. This usually results in fresher coffee and more control over the flavor of your drink.

You’ll also want to know how much coffee to use in your drip coffee maker in relation to the amount of water you’ll be using.

This can be tweaked to your liking: more beans and less water equals a stronger drink. Keeping coffee in an airtight container or the refrigerator can also help keep your beans and grinds fresh and flavorful.

Some coffee makers include a built-in grinder, which is incredibly convenient.

If you’re grinding your coffee, go with a “medium” grind size. Alternatively, if your grinder has a “drip” setting, use it. One of the finest methods to manage the flavor of your coffee is to grind your beans to a finer grain.

If you have a blade grinder, try grinding your beans until the particles resemble grains of sand. This is how you’ll know when it’s ready to brew.

After you’ve ground your beans, place them in the filter basket, and you’re ready to create great coffee!

Make your coffee

It’s now time to brew your coffee. Many drip coffee machines have various settings, such as the strength of the drink, that you may experiment with, but if this is your first time, it’s frequently better to start with the default or usual option and then alter from there to suit your tastes.

Most machines can brew coffee in three to five minutes, measured from the time the water first begins to drop from the machine into the coffee carafe.

The brewing procedure is complete when all of the water has passed through all of the coffee grounds, and the coffee has stopped dripping into the carafe.

Turn the machine off, pour, and enjoy

If your machine’s coffee is no longer spilling or pouring, it implies your coffee is ready to drink! Of course, keep in mind that it will still be very hot and may need to cool slightly before drinking.

If your machine does not have an automatic shut-off, remember to turn it off when you’re finished for safety and to save energy.

Some coffee makers offer a keep warm feature that allows your machine to keep the coffee carafe hot so you can have another drink later or a second drink if you brewed enough coffee for more than one cup.

It’s vital to note that the longer the coffee sits on the warming plate and the hotter it stays, the bitterer it might get.

If this is your first time preparing coffee, consider how it tastes. If it’s not sweet enough or tastes a little sour, try a finer grind. If it’s too bitter, try a coarser grind. Experiment and fine-tune until you find what works best for you.

Remember to clean the coffee maker.

dirty carafe

After you’ve made and tasted your coffee, it’s time to clean your machine. The first thing you should do is remove the filter. If you’re using paper filters, throw them away along with the old coffee grounds.

Dispose of the grinds and clean the filter with water as directed by your machine’s manual for stainless steel.

Some coffee makers have self-cleaning options; if this is the case with your machine, follow the directions to ensure everything is clean. Many other devices include dishwasher-safe pieces, so be aware of which parts you may remove and place in your dishwasher.

Otherwise, you’ll have to hand-wash the machine’s remaining components.

Keeping your drip coffee maker clean ensures that your next made coffee tastes fresh, as well as extends the lifespan of your machine, which saves you money in the long run.


You can see that using a drip coffee maker is an easy, convenient, and often inexpensive method to have your coffee drink in the morning now that you know how to operate it.

You can mix and match the amount of water and the type and grind of your coffee beans until you get the perfect drink. There will be no more waiting in line to be served. You’ve mastered the art of being your barista.

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Editorial Staff

The editorial staff at Crazy Coffee Crave is a team of coffee enthusiasts & Baristas who enjoy the one thing we all think about as soon as we get up in the morning. Trusted by thousands of readers worldwide.