Manual vs Electric Coffee Grinders: Which One To Buy

crazy by Editorial Staff | Updated on April 24th, 2023

Are you an avid coffee drinker looking to upgrade your morning cup? Are you trying to decide between a manual and an electric grinder? Choosing the right grinder can be daunting, but don’t worry – we’ve got you covered.

In this post, we’ll break down the differences between manual and electric coffee grinders so you can make an informed decision for your next purchase.

Manual vs Electric Coffee Grinders

Which is the best for you?

When making a delicious cup of coffee, size matters, A cup of joe offers the best freshness for the best flavor and freshness if you buy whole beans and grind them at home. With the coffee beans, you can grind them and brew them as you need them.

coffee grinder

Not all grinds are the same

  • For espresso, you need a fine grind. Medium to medium-fine grinds is best for pour-overs.
  • Drip coffee requires medium-coarse.
  • While the French Press requires a coarse grind.

When you purchase whole beans, you control the grind size for the perfect cup of coffee, regardless of the brew method used.

When choosing between an electric and a manual coffee grinder, various factors can be considered. Factors to consider include price, ease of use, convenience, accuracy, and style.

coffee grinder

These are a manual burr, an electric burr, and a blade grinder. Blade grinders are the most popular since they are cheap, size, and convenient.

The different types:

Manual burr grinders

Manual grinders are the traditional way to grind your coffee beans. They’re usually relatively small and compact, making them ideal for travel or taking to work. Manual grinders are also very affordable and can easily be found for less than $100.

In addition to being affordable and portable, manual grinders are highly durable and reliable. The grinding mechanism is usually made of stainless steel, designed to last a lifetime with proper care and maintenance.

Manual grinders have a few advantages over electric grinders. For one, they tend to be more consistent regarding grind size. This is because manual grinders require you to turn the handle at a consistent speed to get the same grind size every time.

Electric grinders, on the other hand, rely on a motor and can produce inconsistent results if the motor isn’t up to par or if the grinding mechanism isn’t properly calibrated.

Another advantage of manual grinders is that they don’t require electricity so you can take them anywhere. Finally, manual grinders are usually quieter than electric ones, so you don’t have to worry about waking up your roommates or housemates when making your morning cup of coffee.

If you need a portable grinder, this could be the perfect model. It does not require electricity.


  • Portable
  • Durable
  • Consistency of grind
  • Easy to clean
  • Simple mechanics
  • Affordable
  • Doesn’t need electricity


  • Requires some muscle
  • Takes time
  • Doesn’t allow for micro
  • Not ideal for grinding large amounts
coffee grinder

Our favorite manual grinder: JavaPresse Manual Coffee Grinder with Adjustable

  • The ceramic combo burrs are designed through three professional grade
  • Built-in adjustable grind selector with over 18 click settings
  • Has a removable hand crank mechanism that consistently eliminates 90% of noise.

Electric Burr grinders

Electric burr grinders are consistent but a bit pricey. They are a bit bulky and need electricity to grind. If you grind a lot of coffee, you will take less time than manual grinders.

Electric grinders offer an easier, more efficient way to grind coffee beans than manual grinders. They are powered by electricity, usually with a motor, which eliminates the need for manual labor. Electric grinders come in various sizes and styles, from small handheld models to countertops and even industrial-grade machines.

They can grind coffee beans to any size and texture with a button, making them the perfect choice for any coffee connoisseur. Many electric grinders also come with adjustable settings for coarseness and fineness, allowing users to customize their grind according to their preferences.

Additionally, electric grinders are designed to be ergonomically friendly, making prolonged grinding sessions more comfortable. They also boast higher grinding speeds than manual grinders, allowing users to grind larger batches of beans in less time.


  • Convenient
  • Consistent grind
  • Variety of grind settings


  • Loud
  • Bulky
  • Difficult to clean
  • Needs electricity
  • Expensive

Our favorite electric grinder: Coffee Grinder Electric AICOK Nut & Spice Grinder

  • Portable & Detachable Design: The container is portable and detachable design
  • Powerful Grind and Large Capacity: 200W DC motor ensures you can grind coffee beans
  • Safety Protection: There is a safety lock that the coffee grinder, when turned one

Electric Blade grinders

coffee grinders

It is the least recommended method among coffee lovers/ homebrewers. Chopping results in inconsistent coffee, which affects the taste and flavor.


  • Convenient
  • Affordable


  • Inconsistent

Manual vs. Electric Coffee Grinders

Cost Comparison

Regarding the cost comparison between manual and electric coffee grinders, there is a wide range of prices to consider. Manual grinders are typically cheaper than electric grinders, ranging from around $20 to a few hundred dollars.

Electric grinders also range in price, but they can be more expensive than manual grinders. While you may be able to find a manual grinder in the same price range as an electric grinder, you will likely need to invest more money into the burrs of a manual grinder to get the same quality as an electric grinder.

However, a manual grinder can be a good option if you are looking for a cost-effective way to get started with fresh coffee grinding. Though the cost of manual and electric grinders can vary significantly, hand grinders may offer more advantages when it comes to quality and performance.

Efficiency Comparison

When it comes to efficiency, electric coffee grinders have the upper hand. With a simple button press, electric grinders can quickly and efficiently grind coffee beans into the desired consistency.

On the other hand, manual grinders require manual effort to grind the beans. Getting the desired consistency as an electric grinder can take more time and energy. Additionally, manual grinders do not offer adjustable settings for different grind sizes, making them less efficient for specific recipes or brews.

However, manual grinders still offer a consistent grind size and can grind small amounts of beans with greater accuracy than electric grinders.

Noise Level Comparison

Regarding noise levels, manual grinders have the upper hand. Manual grinders are generally very quiet and produce a low, grumbling sound. On the other hand, electric grinders tend to be louder and produce higher-pitched noises. Conical burr grinders are the least noisy of all-electric grinders, but they may still be too loud for some people. Manual grinders may be the way to go if noise levels are a major concern.

Maintenance Requirements Comparison

Regarding maintenance, manual and electric coffee grinders have their unique requirements. Manual grinders are often easier to maintain than electric grinders, as they don’t require electricity and don’t have any electric parts that can fail or wear out.

On the other hand, electric grinders require occasional cleaning and maintenance of the motor, blades, and electrical components. This can involve disassembling the grinder and potentially replacing parts from time to time. Electric grinders must be plugged in and stored in a dry environment. On the other hand, manual coffee grinders require wiping down with a damp cloth after use and storing in a dry area.

Portability Comparison

When it comes to portability, manual grinders are the clear winners. Manual grinders are small and light enough to be taken anywhere with ease. They don’t require electricity, so you can take them camping, on hikes, or anywhere else you might need fresh-ground coffee. On the other hand, electric grinders are much larger and heavier and require an electrical outlet. This means they are not suitable for taking on the go and cannot be used for outdoor coffee brewing.

Versatility Comparison

Regarding versatility, both manual and electric coffee grinders offer a range of options. Manual grinders are more versatile because they can be used for different coffee beans and grind sizes, while electric grinders are limited to the type of coffee beans they can grind.

Manual coffee grinders also offer the option of grinding coffee beans with different grind sizes, while electric grinders are typically pre-programmed to one size. Manual grinders are also more versatile in terms of portability, as they can be used anywhere without the need for electricity.

On the other hand, electric grinders require a power source to operate. Finally, manual grinders provide greater control over the coarseness or fineness of the grind, whereas electric grinders are limited to the settings that are programmed into them.

Heat Preservation Capabilities comparison

Regarding heat preservation, electric grinders have an advantage over manual grinders. This is because electric grinders operate much faster than manual grinders. This means that the beans are ground much faster, producing less heat.

On the other hand, manual grinders require more effort and produce more heat as a result. This heat can cause the beans to lose some of their flavors. Electric grinders also have a cooling system that helps keep the motor’s temperature low during operation, preserving the flavor of the beans even further.


Choosing between a manual or electric coffee grinder comes down to personal preference and lifestyle. Manual coffee grinders are typically more affordable and produce a consistent grind, but they require a lot of effort and time to operate. Electric coffee grinders are more expensive but offer convenience and are faster and easier to use.

Both grinders can produce a great cup of coffee if used correctly. Ultimately, the type of grinder you choose depends on your needs and budget, but either can make a difference in your cup of coffee.

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase using these links. Remember to support us by purchasing through the Amazon/Walmart/Impact Radius links provided. Last update on 2024-05-03 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Disclosure: No compensation or free products were received in exchange for writing this review.


Editorial Staff

The editorial staff at Crazy Coffee Crave is a team of coffee enthusiasts & Baristas who enjoy the one thing we all think about as soon as we get up in the morning. Trusted by thousands of readers worldwide.