Coffee Education

Coffee. It’s in your cup, on your tongue, in your hand, and in your heart.

Coffee is a part of your life, and you love it. But what you don’t know about coffee can hurt you.

There are so many myths out there about coffee that it can be hard to know what to believe.

What’s the best way to prepare it? What kind of milk is best with coffee? Should you drink it black or with sugar? Here are some coffee myths that are simply not true.

What is Affogato? How To Make  It + Toppings

What is Affogato? How To Make It + Toppings

Italians are fantastic at making delectable coffee-based desserts, and you’ve probably heard of at least one of them. But do…

13 Best Sustainable Coffee: What Is It And Why You Need To Try It

13 Best Sustainable Coffee: What Is It And Why You Need To Try It

Sustainability. You’re probably heard the word, you have guessed that it’s a good thing but you don’t know exactly what…

Sustainable Coffee Packaging: What It Is, Why It Matters, and How You Can Help

Sustainable Coffee Packaging: What It Is, Why It Matters, and How You Can Help

So, you bought that bag of coffee beans you’ve been eyeing in your favorite coffee shop. After storing in your…

What is Blonde Roast Coffee, Exactly?

What is Blonde Roast Coffee, Exactly?

There seems always to be something new to learn about coffee. And today, we will talk about blonde roast coffee.…

Vintage Coffee with Cryogenics: The Next Generation of Coffee

Vintage Coffee with Cryogenics: The Next Generation of Coffee

Wouldn’t it be cool to walk into a coffee shop and order a single origin coffee from a 2003 harvest?…

All About The Different Types Of Coffee Beans

All About The Different Types Of Coffee Beans

Did you know that there are four different types of coffee beans? A lot of people do not know this…

How Instant Coffee is Made: Process, Origin & Facts

How Instant Coffee is Made: Process, Origin & Facts

Instant coffee is a staple of college dorm rooms, office cafeterias, and travelers the world over. But how is it…

Espresso-based Coffee: Milk to Coffee Ratio and Water to Coffee Ratio

Espresso-based Coffee: Milk to Coffee Ratio and Water to Coffee Ratio

Espresso-based coffee drinks have taken the world by storm, becoming increasingly popular in cafes and homes alike. However, navigating the…

Coffee and Honey Bees: Nature’s Most Perfect Marriage

Coffee and Honey Bees: Nature’s Most Perfect Marriage

We all love honey bees for their amazing products but have you ever considered that they can be crucial to…

Coffee Blooming: How to Increase Your Brew’s Full Potential

Coffee Blooming: How to Increase Your Brew’s Full Potential

Are you intrigued by the intricate science behind brewing the perfect cup of coffee? One often overlooked aspect is the…

Is Coffee a Fruit? The Truth Revealed

Is Coffee a Fruit? The Truth Revealed

It’s as simple as this: coffee comes from coffee beans, and coffee beans are fruits. Thus, coffee is a fruit!…

What Is Unfiltered Coffee? And Why You Should Care

What Is Unfiltered Coffee? And Why You Should Care

The definition Unfiltered coffee is a coffee drink that doesn’t use a paper filter in the brewing process. It may…

Coffee Degassing: What it is and Why it Matters

Coffee Degassing: What it is and Why it Matters

Coffee degassing is a process that removes CO2 from ground coffee before brewing. It’s an important step in the right…

Are Used Espresso Machines Worth Buying?

Are Used Espresso Machines Worth Buying?

As a connoisseur of the caffeinated delight known as espresso, it can be challenging to procure a top-tier espresso machine…

What Is a Cortado? The Perfect Espresso Drink for Beginners + Recipe

What Is a Cortado? The Perfect Espresso Drink for Beginners + Recipe

The cortado is a coffee drink that is popular in Spain. It is also commonly found throughout Italy, Cuba, and…