Discover the Uniqueness of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee

crazy by Editorial Staff | Updated on March 7th, 2023

The lush island of Jamaica produces some excellent coffee. Want to learn more? And where can you buy authentic Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee?

What makes Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee special?

Well-known coffees are characterized by the regions where they are grown. Climate and soil qualities can make subtle changes to the flavor of the resulting coffee.

green mountain under blue sky

The tropical island of Jamaica has ideal conditions for growing coffee. Much of the island is covered with mountainous regions, including the Blue Mountains, the tallest range. The Blue Mountains are a perfect blend of rich, hot climate, plenty of rainfall, and high altitude.

At nearly 7,500 feet above sea level, this is one of the highest coffee regions in the world. The constant mist covering gives the mountains a bluish cast, which is where the name comes from. However, it’s not all rugged mountain peaks. Jamaica is also lined with amazing white beaches, too.

The Blue Mountains also include a 194,000-acre national park that was established to protect the national rain forests. This park is home to 800 plant species and 200 bird species, many of which are unique to the island. There are other hiking routes in the region.

Coffee is not native to Jamaica. Beans were brought to the island in 1728 by the governor at that time, Sir Nicholas Lawes. The arabica beans flourished, and now coffee is a major export. Japan is the largest importer of Blue Mountain coffee (90%).

How did Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee get its start?

Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee dates back to 1723, when King Louis XV of France sent three coffee plants to Jamaica’s rich 1,900-kilometer SW island.

At the time, lush growing conditions allowed coffee plants to thrive under Martinique’s French colony. Five years later, however, Martinique’s governor gave Jamaica’s governor “Sir Nicholas Lawes” one of the coffee plants.

The Governor of Martinique gifted the island with a few coffee plants as a gesture of goodwill. From these humble beginnings, the world-renowned coffee crop of the Blue Mountain Range began to spread across the island.

The Arabica variety of Typica bean thrived in the exclusive tropical region, benefiting from the fertile soil and high altitude at which it was grown. The coffee’s fame grew as it developed a reputation for its smooth taste, balanced acidity, and lack of bitterness.

Today, Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is still grown and processed with the same care and sophistication as it was centuries ago, making it a truly luxurious and exclusive coffee experience.

Arabica species of coffee

Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is a specialty coffee that comes from the Arabica species of coffee, which is known for its superior quality and flavor. This coffee is grown predominantly in Jamaica’s exclusive tropical Blue Mountain region, where the soil is rich in nitrogen and phosphorus.

The Arabica Typica subspecies of coffee is the most commonly grown in this region, with a unique mutation of the Typica heirloom cultivar. As a result, the coffee has a velvety, round, and not very bitter taste, making it highly sought after by coffee connoisseurs worldwide.

The sophisticated wet processing further enhances the coffee’s overall flavor profile. All of these factors combine to make Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee one of the world’s most exclusive and coveted coffees.

Exclusive tropical blue mountain region

Located in the eastern region of Jamaica, the Blue Mountain region is a legally defined area where Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is grown. The tropical climate provides the perfect balance of sunshine and water for the coffee trees to thrive, resulting in a unique flavor.

This exclusive region is only accessible by foot or donkey, making the cultivation of the coffee beans a labor-intensive process. Additionally, the sophisticated wet processing method used gives the coffee its distinguishing properties.

The Blue Mountain region is classified into three zones based on altitude, with each zone having its own characteristics and flavor profile. The Wallenford Estate, located in Kingston, is one of the largest and most popular coffee estates in the Blue Mountain region.

It is 100% self-sufficient and adheres to the strict standards set by the Jamaica Coffee Board to produce some of the most exceptional Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee.

Classification of coffee in mountain range

The Blue Mountains of Jamaica, the exclusive location where Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is grown, is divided into three regions, each with its own classification of coffee.

The lowest elevation, between 1,500 and 3,000 feet, produces Jamaica Low Mountain Coffee, while Jamaica High Mountain Coffee is grown between 3,000 and 5,000 feet. The ultimate coffee, however, comes from Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee, which is grown only between 5,000 and 7,500 feet.

This range is ideal for the coffee plants as it provides the perfect balance of sun, rain, and soil, enabling them to mature slowly and yield beans of exceptional size and flavor. These beans are hand-picked with great care and then meticulously processed to create the world-renowned Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee.

Sophisticated wet-processed coffee

Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is known for its sophistication and unique taste that is achieved through its wet processing method. This method involves several steps to remove the cherry from the coffee bean, resulting in a light cup profile.

The coffee cherries are pulped on the same day they are reaped, and 100% sun drying is used to reach a moisture content of 11.5%. This process contributes to the coffee’s balanced and dense structure, making it one of the world’s most exclusive coffees. The coffee’s unique flavor is also attributed to the exclusive tropical Blue Mountain region and the Arabica species of coffee.

In addition, the Wallenford Estate in Kingston, Jamaica is known for being 100% self-sufficient in producing this sophisticated coffee. Overall, Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee’s wet processed method plays a vital role in creating its unique and sophisticated taste coveted by coffee lovers worldwide.

Wallenford Estate in Kingston, Jamaica

One of the most renowned coffee estates in Jamaica is the Wallenford Estate located in Kingston. The estate is situated in the heart of the Blue Mountains, which offer a unique tropical climate, perfect for growing the finest coffee in the world.

Their coffee is known for its smooth and bold flavor, with hints of nuts and honey and a clean finish. The estate has been producing high-quality coffee for over 250 years, and they have perfected the art of wet processing. By utilizing their own state-of-the-art facilities, they have complete control over the coffee at every stage of production.

The Wallenford Estate is 100% self-sufficient and takes pride in operating sustainably. They practice organic farming, ensuring that the coffee they produce is the best-tasting and environmentally friendly. Wallenford Estate offers an exclusive and unforgettable coffee-tasting experience where visitors can sample some of the finest coffee in the world.

What does Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee taste like?

Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee

Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is renowned for its unique taste and flavor profile. Its cultivation in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica, which provide ideal conditions for coffee growth, yields a silky smooth, balanced, and full-bodied coffee. The bright acidity of this coffee is not overpowering, and its lack of bitterness sets it apart from other coffee varieties.

Blue Mountain coffee has a clean taste, noticeable sweetness, hints of chocolate, and mild acidity. The flavor is bold, smooth, and rich.

The coffee’s mild flavors allow creamy chocolate and herbal notes to shine through, creating a mellow and easy-to-drink cup. Authentic Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is known for its sweet, floral taste, with bright acidity and a lack of bitterness. Coffee enthusiasts worldwide seek out this coffee for its exceptional flavor profile, making it one of the most highly sought-after and limited coffees in the world.

Jamaica has formed the Jamaica Coffee Industry Board to monitor production and processing in order to maintain the high quality of this coffee. Small farmers grow the majority of Blue Mountain coffee beans, as opposed to large coffee estates observed in other regions.

Why is Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee so expensive?

Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee

Due to the unique taste and flavor profile of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee, there is a high demand for it on the world gourmet coffee market. However, the supply of this coffee is limited due to its cultivation in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica, where there is limited space.

High demand and limited supply of the coffee

The high demand and limited supply of the coffee make it one of the rarest and most expensive coffees in the world. Despite its steep price range, coffee lovers can attest to the fact that the taste and aroma of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is worth every penny. This limited supply of coffee adds to its exclusivity and amplifies the cultural significance and history it holds as a Jamaican export.

As a result, there are rigorous qualification standards for certification as authentic Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee, which ensures that only the finest coffee beans from the Blue Mountains of Jamaica are sold in the market.

How much is a pound of Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee?

Most Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee comes in at about $58/lb!

How can you tell if Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is real?

The certification process for Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is taken very seriously by the Jamaica Coffee Board. Only beans that have been certified by the Coffee Industry Board of Jamaica can legally be sold under the name ‘Jamaican Blue Mountain.’

The authority responsible for inspecting the green beans from the Blue Mountain area is the Jamaica Agricultural Commodities Regulatory Authority (JACRA). This certification ensures that customers are getting the real deal and are not being duped by imposters trying to pass off inferior coffee as the genuine article.

By undergoing rigorous checks and balances, the certification process safeguards the quality and authenticity of this prized Jamaican product.

Seal Of Certification – is a blue circle inside a mountain picture, island map, barrel, and coffee beans. This is Jamaica’s Coffee Industry Board (CIB) accredited to trust this stamp; seal of certification and approve every label that is being used for Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee:

How can you tell if Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is real

The Coffee Industry Regulation Act preserved Blue Mountain’s identity by giving it a globally secured certification label, awarded by Jamaica’s Coffee Industry Board (CIB). As a result, only certified coffee can be legally sold as ‘Blue Mountain.’

There are no globally accepted requirements for a Blue Mountain blend. However, this can contain less than 10% true Jamaican genius, so always check the packaging. And Blue Mountain coffee isn’t perfect anyway in blends. But people blend it with other Jamaican coffee to lower the price or something higher in acidity to complete the flavor profile.

What coffee is similar to Jamaican Blue Mountain?

Some Papua New Guinea coffees, including the Western Highland organic coffee bean Marawaka, are closely related to Jamaica Blue Mountain, mainly because all coffee beans are produced exclusively from Jamaica Blue Mountain seeds.

Variations and blends of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee offered in the market.

Variations and blends of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee offered in the market are numerous and diverse. Many coffee roasters and retailers offer single-origin Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee that features a unique and bold taste profile.

Some roasters also offer blends that incorporate Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee beans with other high-quality beans from around the world. These blends can offer a range of flavor notes, from sweet and nutty to fruity and floral. Consumers can choose between whole bean and ground coffee options, as well as various roasts, including light, medium, and dark roasts.

While these variations and blends may differ in taste and price, they all offer the same high-quality coffee experience that Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is known for. However, it is essential to be cautious of counterfeit blends that may not meet the strict quality standards required to be certified as authentic Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee.

Where can you buy the real Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee?

After reviewing countless coffee beans on Amazon, I feel comfortable recommending two from Volvanica. Based on a review of taste, quality and authenticity. However, if you’ve tasted other 100% authentic nonblended JBMs, please comment below.

Volcanica Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee, Clydesdale Estate

Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee, Clifton Mount Estate

Jamaica Blue Mountain Peaberry Coffee

Sustainability practices and conservation efforts in Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee production

Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is known for its exceptional taste and the sustainable practices and conservation efforts put into its production.

Farmers in the Blue Mountains follow strict guidelines to ensure that their coffee is cultivated in an environmentally-friendly manner, such as using shade-grown practices that provide beneficial ecosystem services. Special attention is paid to sustainable agricultural practices to ensure water and soil conservation.

Additionally, efforts have been made to improve the marketing of fruit tree products and existing road network conditions to provide better market access. Such practices are essential to protect the area’s natural resources, which is crucial for the long-term sustainability of coffee production in the region.

Moreover, these efforts also contribute to preserving the cultural significance and history of Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee. By implementing sustainable practices, farmers and manufacturers can optimize the coffee’s quality and work towards building a brighter future for the Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee industry.

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Disclosure: No compensation or free products were received in exchange for writing this review.


Editorial Staff

The editorial staff at Crazy Coffee Crave is a team of coffee enthusiasts & Baristas who enjoy the one thing we all think about as soon as we get up in the morning. Trusted by thousands of readers worldwide.