Grass Fed Coffee…. Just WTF is going on?

crazy by Editorial Staff | Updated on April 24th, 2023

At first glance, you’ll likely suspect that the grass-fed coffee living organic coffee eats grass, or maybe you think it is made of “marijuana.” You’ll be surprised:

What is grass-fed coffee?

Grass Fed Coffee is smooth, creamy, delicious Butter Coffee combining cold brew coffee, grass-fed butter, MCT oil, and organic chicory.

grass fed coffee

Cold brew coffee refers to coffee brewed in coffee-making equipment where cold water is used; hot brew is coffee cooked by pouring coffee granules into boiling water.

MCT stands for medium-chain triglyceride, a fatty acid that forms most of the substance of organic coconut oil. Chicory is a food-enhancing additive derived from a herbaceous plant of the dandelion family. 

The substances in that coffee sound somewhat complex and confusing. You might lose interest and forget about that supposedly delicious drink altogether. You better not. Think twice. The drink might be what you need right now.

If you have had “brunch” (breakfast and lunch combined) and you already want to snack, this complicated drink might be useful to you. This drink is packed with nutrients that drive hunger away, and it’ll keep you farther away from dinner, much longer if added to your brunch. 

Nutritional information

The key elements are butter and MCT oil (coconut oil). A version of the grass-fed coffee that features the duo is said to contain: 

  • 316 calories
  • 26 grams fat
  • 0 grams sugar
  • 21.8 grams protein
  • 0.2 milligrams of vitamin B2 riboflavin (11 percent DV)
  • 500 international units of vitamin A (10 percent DV),
  • 296 milligrams potassium (8 percent DV)
  • 0.6-milligram pantothenic acid (6 percent DV) 
  • 100 milligrams sodium (4 percent DV)
  • 0.1-milligram manganese (3 percent DV)
  • 7.1 milligrams magnesium (2 percent DV)
  • 0.5 milligram niacin (2 percent DV)
  • 0.4-milligram vitamin E (2 percent DV)
  • 10 milligrams calcium (1 percent DV) 
  • 0.8 micrograms of vitamin K (1 percent DV). 

What are the benefits of grass-fed coffee?

This version of the grass-fed coffee gives you the main benefits provided by coffee plus those supplied by the added elements. A general account of grass-fed coffee said that butter-laden coffee is known as:

1. To boost cognitive function.
2. To support the body’s fat-burning efficiency. 
3. To balance mood and hormones. 
4. To reduce hunger.
5. To make you drink coffee without experiencing the typical coffee crash. 

The “crash” pertains to the drop in vitality as soon as the “energy boost” supplied alone by coffee is exhausted; the “crash” in grass-fed coffee happens later because the calories added by the butter and MTC oil to the coffee component would kick in as soon as the effect of the coffee component is exhausted. 

Another account pointed out that one-third of the benefits of grass-fed coffee come from butter. Aside from the fat-soluble vitamins we already know, that account identified a short-chain fatty acid called “butyric acid or butyrate as having the potential or capability to deliver the following benefits:

1. Butyrate and its derivatives could be used to prevent and treat human metabolic syndrome. 
2. Helps improve the function of the mitochondria. 
3. Helps improve the cholesterol and triglycerides markers. 
4. Helps maintain fasting insulin level. 
5. Helps suppress inflammation in the gut and other body parts. 
6. Helps fight cancer with anti-cancer properties.
7. Helps to maintain gut barrier integrity. 
8. Helps maintain healthy body weight.

Thus far, my sources have established that grass-fed coffee’s major components are cold brew coffee, grass-fed butter, and the fatty acid MCT oil. But, of course, you already know that cold brew coffee- not any coffee- is being used for grass-fed coffee.

You also now know that the fatty acid MCT oil can be found in abundance in organic coconut oil and that chicory is a food-enhancing additive.

However, what you need to pay attention to that my sources emphasized is: that the butter for making grass-fed coffee must come from a cow that grazed on live grass, not one that was fed organic corn or hay or commercial feeds.

The general rule is: The healthier the cow, the better the butter. Cows like grass, not commercial feed. Cows that eat organic grass give the best butter.

Though the source’s reasoning appears a bit skewed, it hit the nail on the head: the grass-fed coffee is so-called because the type of butter used to make it comes from milk produced by cows fed with living grass; it isn’t, after all, not a kind of grass is mixed with coffee, but butter derived from a grass-fed cow that gave the strange coffee its name.

My source also pointed out the advantage of using “grass-fed ghee” over “grass-fed butter.” Ghee is made by removing the protein-casein- from butter; casein is extracted for sale as a commercial sports supplement.

If they also use or prefer grass-fed ghee for making grass-fed coffee or bulletproof coffee, so be it. But I think ghee may be more suitable for frying than making a healthful drink because it is deficient in protein; the whole butter appears to be the healthier choice. 

There is a kind of coffee that operates around the same principle as grass-fed coffee- enhancing the value of coffee by adding compatible, healthy food elements. This- the Maffetone Coffee- uses cream (instead of butter) produced from grass-fed Jersey cow and organic coconut oil.

The Maffetone coffee ingredients:

1. 1-1/2 cup of strong light roast coffee. 
2. 1/4 cup Heavy cream from a grass-fed Jersey cow.
3. A raw egg yolk.
4. 1 tablespoon of organic coconut oil.

Dr. Maffetone demonstrated on YouTube how to make the coffee himself.”

He grinds the roast, mixes all the ingredients in a small hand-held blender, and transfers the concoction into his favorite mug. Dr. Maffetone invented his special coffee in connection with his work, encouraging the use of fat as the main source of body fuel.

In addition, he is promoting ways to improve our fat-burning capacity for fitness and health.

Dr. Maffetone specifically made the special coffee to respond to the need “to start the day with food that doesn’t induce significant insulin production, keep hunger away and provide high energy resulting in the need for fewer calories over a day.” Dr. Maffetone believes his special coffee achieves the desired purpose because of the addition of substantial fat nutrients in the coffee.

Nutrient fat is said to “keep hunger away” because it is packed with calories. Among energy-giving foods, fat is more efficient than carbohydrates or proteins. Fat provides 4,000 calories per pound or 9 calories per gram, while carbohydrates and protein individually provide only 4 calories per gram.

Likened to a computer, the Optimal Human Being (=)equals Hardware (+) plus Software (+) plus Energy. Your body is the hardware, the way you move is the software, and fat is the energy. There is also wisdom in equating fat to electricity and carbohydrates to diesel; “electric cars are over 3 times more efficient than fuel-cell vehicles.

If you look more closely at the Maffetone coffee, you might think that the Maffetone Coffee is the mother of the strangely-sounding GRASS FED COFFEE.

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Disclosure: No compensation or free products were received in exchange for writing this review.


Editorial Staff

The editorial staff at Crazy Coffee Crave is a team of coffee enthusiasts & Baristas who enjoy the one thing we all think about as soon as we get up in the morning. Trusted by thousands of readers worldwide.