How to Use Coffee Sock to Make Both Hot and Cold Brew

crazy by Editorial Staff | Updated on August 11th, 2022

It is no secret that environmental deterioration is a severe problem. Disposable paper items, such as the coffee filter you use, contribute significantly to this problem.

Fortunately, it is a specific part of the environmental problem to address. A coffee sock may replace that disposable filter, making our earth much cleaner while providing you with a delicious cup of creamy coffee.


What is a Coffee Sock?


The coffee sock was invented by a group of people traveling who did not have a way to prepare coffee. They just had a Chemex and a chorreador bag. A Chemex is often a glass jar used in the preparation of pour-over coffee. A chorreador is a coffee-making process that involves running water through a cloth sack packed with coffee. Costa Rica made this popular.

They blended these to brew their coffee, and when they got home, they transformed that notion into the coffee sock. They designed a coffee sock that is an organic, reusable fabric coffee filter, affordable and efficient.

Is it possible to use a coffee sock as a coffee filter?

Absolutely! The coffee sock can and should be used as a regular coffee filter. However, they are intended to be used in place of the more typical paper filters. While paper filters are now biodegradable, millions of coffee consumers continue to use them daily. Paper filters translate to many trees that must be chopped down and processed for manufacturing.

The coffee sock comprises cotton or cellulose and may be reused several times to reduce waste and consumption. It is a terrific way to make your coffee more environmentally friendly.

How to make hot coffee with coffee sock

High-quality coffee beans

The first step in using a coffee sock to make coffee is to grind your coffee beans. You want them ground to a medium grind so that the water flows through at the proper rate, not too fast or sluggish.

Because this is created similarly to a pour-over coffee, you will need to heat water in a separate container before pouring it into your coffee sock. To begin, measure how much coffee you require and place it in your coffee sock.

Using the framework, place the coffee sock over your cup or whatever container you prefer to store your coffee. Allow your coffee grinds to bloom for around 30 seconds after slowly pouring water over them. This phenomenon occurs when freshly ground coffee beans are thoroughly soaked.

Hot brew method tips

We offer a few tips on making that cup of steaming coffee a little bit healthier. While the coffee sock may produce excellent coffee, there are a few dos and don’ts to follow to improve your coffee.

The first piece of advice is to use the right water ratio. This is a personal choice; you should play with it to find out how strong you want your coffee. One teaspoon of coffee grinds per six ounces of water is the norm for making coffee.

Another important step that might influence your coffee tastes is using a consistent grind. If your coffee grind is too fine, it will clump up at the bottom of the coffee sock, causing the water you pour in to move more slowly. On the other hand, if your coffee grind is too coarse, the water will pass through far too quickly to extract the coffee flavor from the beans, resulting in a very weak cup of coffee.

You should also experiment with your brew time. This is highly based on preference but should take between one and three minutes if you use the normal temperature for making coffee. Allowing it to steep for a longer period will result in a stronger cup of coffee, while allowing it to steep for a shorter period will result in a weaker cup of coffee.

Making cold brew with a coffee sock

You will need the following items:

  • Coffee-sock Cold Brew Kit
  • Two cups of coarsely ground coffee (for a 1/2 gallon); 1 cup for one quart
  • Water (filtered, preferably)

Follow these steps:

For half gallon

  1. Pour 2 cups of coffee into the filter.
  2. Thoroughly wet contents before sealing, fastening top with ring and strap.
  3. Fill the jar halfway with water, and place it in the refrigerator for 12-16 hours to steep.

For a quart

  1. Pour 1 cup of coffee into the filter.
  2. Thoroughly wet the contents before closing, then fasten with strap and ring.
  3. Fill the jar halfway with water, and place it in the refrigerator for 6-10 hours to steep.

Tips for the cold brew method

  • Filters should span nine months to a year with normal use, and the business recommends adding old grinds to your compost if you have one.
  • The CoffeeSock may be cleaned with mild, unscented detergents, and the filter may be boiled for 5 minutes for added sanitation.

How to clean coffee socks

Cleaning your coffee sock is essential, and it takes nearly no time. Because it is so simple, you can wind up cleaning it too frequently, and this reduces the flavor of your coffee by washing off the coffee oils. A well-kept coffee sock will last 6 to 12 months of everyday use.

To clean it, you must remove any residual coffee grounds from it. Then, using cold water, rinse your coffee sock until it is clean. Finally, hanging or putting out your coffee sock to dry in the sunlight is critical. It is as easy as that.

Never leave your coffee sock lying with coffee grounds still in it, and never, ever, leave it damp. If you keep it like that, it creates an ideal habitat for mold to grow. Mold is the most common cause of coffee sock death.

Anything mold on your coffee sock will render it worthless, not only because it will taste bad but also because it is a significant health threat. Flip it inside out to ensure you got all the coffee grounds out, and then wring it well after rinsing.

The pros and cons of coffee socks


  • A single pair of Coffee Socks may effectively replace 500 paper filters. This means you will save money in the long term by purchasing them and producing less paper trash (environmentally friendly). They are also biodegradable.
  • It has a lengthy lifespan. A well-cared-for coffee sock will last around a year. That is a year without having to bother about paper filters.
  • No extra processes are required; use it as you would a conventional paper filter.
  • Coffee Socks are available in various styles to accommodate virtually any brewing technique and can even be custom-made by the firm.
  • The taste of the coffee was sweeter/richer than with paper filters.
  • Another explanation for their appeal is its ease of cleaning. All it needs is a quick rinse in cold water and a sunny spot to dry. It does not need the use of any chemicals or detergents. Cleaning your coffee sock is also only necessary once a week.
  • A coffee sock is constructed of natural, lightweight materials. It is compact and can be folded and stored. This makes it extremely portable, allowing you to take it when traveling.
  • It will taste a lot better than the coffee served at inexpensive motels and a lot cheaper. Coffee socks may be purchased at anything from $5 to $20. That is an excellent value for something you will use every day for up to a year. Furthermore, the money you save by not buying paper filters will cover the cost of coffee socks.


  • Washing and drying are cumbersome compared to paper filters.
  • It must be boiled on occasion to maintain its cleanliness.
  • The initial cost is high.

Other considerations when brewing with coffee socks

As long as you take care of it, each coffee sock should last you 6 to 12 months with regular use. Just avoid using harsh cleaners on it and keep it dry while not in use. Replacing the paper filter is a long-term solution.

The purpose of coffee socks is to provide you with a sustainable coffee filter that reduces the environmental effect of paper filters. You are strongly advised to find a technique to recycle your coffee grounds. There are several ways to accomplish this, such as maintaining a compost pile for gardening.

Coffee sock brands

With so many options available, the variations in sock brands could be a bit overwhelming for some. As a result, we have compiled a list of some of the market’s most dependable coffee sock alternatives.

Sentir Cubano cloth coffee strainer

Sentir Cubano’s cotton cloth strainers, which come in three sets, are a very accurate representation of what coffee socks are like. With three to choose from, they should last you a long time if properly cleaned and cared for. Furthermore, the large wooden handles make them comfortable to grasp and manipulate when brewing or cleaning.

They are longer, allowing you to create bigger cups of coffee. However, they will also suffice if you primarily want to use them to brew single cups of coffee.

Hide & drink cotton coffee socks

Hide & Drink’s basic cone-shaped coffee filters are produced from 100 percent natural, unbleached, organic manta cotton. These socks are ideal for folks who use cone-shaped filters in brewing techniques such as drip coffee or Chemex.

They are not only constructed with quality in mind, but they also manage quantity efficiently. These socks are ideal for brewing a single cup of coffee and multiple cups.

Organic cotton cold brew coffee bag by Doppeltree

The Doppeltree Organic Coffee Bag is ideal for individuals searching for a bigger coffee sock to brew in. These strong socks come in a set of two and will fit into various bottles/buckets that you might brew with, from a mason jar to a small bucket. In terms of quality, each bag is constructed of 100 percent natural organic cotton.

The Doppeltree, an easy-to-open and shut drawstring, protects your coffee grounds while brewing and prevents any grounds from sliding through into the brew.

In conclusion

A coffee sock is a terrific option if you care about the environment or want to save money on filters. Preparing your everyday coffee remains unchanged, so there is not much to adjust. You can brew hundreds of great cups of coffee on a single coffee sock if you keep it clean and well-maintained.

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Editorial Staff

The editorial staff at Crazy Coffee Crave is a team of coffee enthusiasts & Baristas who enjoy the one thing we all think about as soon as we get up in the morning. Trusted by thousands of readers worldwide.