Why Does Coffee Make Me Dizzy In The Morning?

crazy by Editorial Staff | Updated on April 26th, 2023

There’s nothing quite like a hot cup of coffee to jumpstart your day, but have you ever noticed that you feel dizzy or lightheaded after drinking your morning brew? If so, you may be wondering why coffee has this effect. 

In this blog post, we will explore them in detail. We’ll look at the various factors that can cause dizziness after drinking coffee and provide tips on alleviating these symptoms so you can enjoy your morning cup without any unwanted side effects.

Dizzy In The Morning

The composition of coffee

When it comes to why coffee makes some people feel dizzy in the morning, understanding its composition is key. Studies show that coffee comprises over 1,000 chemical compounds, including caffeine, acids, and oils. 

Caffeine is the main active ingredient that gives coffee its stimulating properties. However, the amount of caffeine in your cup of coffee can vary depending on factors such as the type of coffee bean, brewing method, and how much coffee is used. 

Causes of dizziness in the morning


Research shows that dehydration is one of the common causes of dizziness in the morning, especially after a long night of drinking or a health condition. This can cause the loss of vital water and electrolytes, leading to dizziness and lightheadedness.

Low blood sugar

When it comes to dizziness in the morning, low blood sugar can be a culprit. Hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, can cause hormonal and chemical changes in the body, making a person feel shaky or dizzy in the morning. 

This can be especially true for those who skip breakfast or have a high-sugar diet, which can cause rapid blood sugar drops. It’s important to note that hypoglycemia is a serious condition, especially for those with diabetes and can lead to headaches, increased heart rate, and other complications.

As a result, it is recommended that individuals monitor their blood sugar levels regularly and consult with a healthcare provider if they experience recurring dizziness episodes.


Medications can also contribute to morning dizziness for some people. Many medications can cause dizziness as a side effect; some even cause orthostatic hypotension and can cause lightheadedness when standing up. 

Additionally, caffeine and certain medications may not interact well with those who take supplements, leading to dizziness. It is important to read the labels of medications and talk to a healthcare provider about any potential side effects. 

Sleep disorders

Sleep disorders can have a significant impact on morning dizziness. Chronic insomnia, for example, can lead to other physical and mental health problems, exacerbating existing conditions. 

Dizziness and sleep disturbances are often linked, and lack of healthy sleep can affect the body’s hormonal and chemical balance, leading to shakiness and dizziness upon waking up. 

In addition, research shows that certain sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea, can cause decreased oxygen levels in the body and contribute to feelings of dizziness. If you regularly wake up feeling dizzy, it’s important to consider the possibility of an underlying sleep disorder.

How coffee affects the body

Coffee affects the body in various ways as it contains caffeine, a central nervous system stimulant. Some of the ways coffee affects the body are:

Coffee’s effect on metabolism and weight loss

Coffee has been shown to affect metabolism and weight loss positively. Several studies suggest that caffeine can enhance the body’s ability to burn fat during physical activity, leading to weight loss. However, it’s important to note that adding sugar or cream to coffee can counteract these metabolic benefits, leading to weight gain. Overall, moderate coffee consumption can aid in weight loss efforts.

Effects of coffee on the central nervous system

As a central nervous system stimulant, caffeine blocks the effects of adenosine, a chemical that causes drowsiness, and increases the production of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. 

This leads to heightened alertness, improved mood, and increased heart rate. However, excessive caffeine consumption can negatively affect the central nervous system, leading to jitters, anxiety, and even tremors. 

Coffee’s impact on the cardiovascular system

Coffee consumption can impact the cardiovascular system in several ways. Caffeine can increase heart rate and blood pressure. However, for healthy individuals, the effects of caffeine on the cardiovascular system are usually temporary and unsustained. The body can adapt to the effects of caffeine, and regular coffee drinkers are unlikely to experience symptoms such as heart palpitations. 

Factors that determine if coffee makes you dizzy

Factors determining whether coffee makes you dizzy include:

Caffeine sensitivity

Caffeine sensitivity is a common issue among coffee drinkers. Some people are more sensitive to caffeine than others, which can cause side effects such as a racing heartbeat, headaches, nausea, anxiety, and difficulty sleeping. 

When you are sensitive to caffeine, the effects can be amplified, especially if your stomach is empty. If you’re someone who experiences dizziness after drinking coffee, you may be sensitive to caffeine, and cutting back may help alleviate the symptom. 

The time of day coffee is consumed

The time of day coffee is consumed can play a role in determining whether or not coffee makes you feel dizzy. Consuming coffee in the morning or early afternoon when cortisol levels are naturally higher may lead to less dizziness than drinking coffee later in the day or in the evening when cortisol levels are naturally lower.

Remedies to reduce the dizziness effect of coffee

Consuming food along with coffee

Consuming food along with coffee can also help reduce the dizziness effect. Eating a meal or snack before drinking coffee can help slow the absorption of caffeine and reduce its impact on the body. 

Additionally, consuming food along with coffee can help prevent low blood sugar levels, which can also contribute to feelings of dizziness.

Taking breaks and moving around

Taking breaks and moving around can be an effective remedy to reduce the dizziness effect of coffee. Prolonged sitting or standing in one position can contribute to feelings of dizziness, especially when consuming coffee. Taking breaks to move around, stretch, or walk can help improve blood flow and reduce feelings of dizziness.

Trying alternative sources of caffeine

Trying alternative sources of caffeine can be a helpful remedy to reduce the dizziness effect of coffee. Green tea, black tea, and yerba mate are popular alternative sources of caffeine that contain less caffeine than coffee. 

These alternatives can provide a gentler stimulant effect on the body, reducing the likelihood of dizziness or other negative side effects.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. Consult a healthcare professional for medical concerns. The author and publisher are not liable for any actions taken based on this article.

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Editorial Staff

The editorial staff at Crazy Coffee Crave is a team of coffee enthusiasts & Baristas who enjoy the one thing we all think about as soon as we get up in the morning. Trusted by thousands of readers worldwide.