What Does Coffee Do to Your Teeth?

crazy by Editorial Staff | Updated on April 26th, 2023

Do you enjoy drinking coffee? Do you ever wonder what it does to your teeth? If so, then this post is for you! Keep reading to learn about how coffee affects your teeth and how you can protect them from the effects.

Myth: Coffee causes tooth decay

Many people mistakenly believe that coffee causes tooth decay, but this is not true. Coffee itself does not directly contribute to cavity formation. However, the acidic nature of coffee can weaken the enamel of your teeth, making them more vulnerable to plaque buildup and decay over time. The acids in coffee can also leave the teeth’ enamel more prone to decay and stain. 

the coffee turns the woman teeth yellow

Tannins in coffee can contribute to tooth stains

Tannins are organic compounds found in coffee that can contribute to tooth stains. These compounds cause color pigments to stick to teeth, leaving an unwanted yellow hue. It only takes one cup of coffee to cause staining, and these stains can be hard to remove with conventional brushing.

Coffee reduces saliva and impacts enamel protection

Coffee can harm our tooth enamel as it reduces the amount of saliva in our mouth. Saliva is important for keeping our teeth safe and healthy, as it helps rinse away food particles and bacteria and contains minerals that help rebuild tooth enamel. 

Additionally, laboratory tests have shown that coffee molecules can prevent the adhesion of Streptococcus mutans on tooth enamel when its acidity is combined with enamel loss. 

Ways to reduce the impact of coffee on teeth

Drink coffee through a straw

Drinking coffee through a straw is a great way to reduce the impact of coffee on your teeth. The polyphenols in coffee are less likely to come into contact with your teeth when you use a straw, so you can enjoy your cup of joe without worrying about staining or eroding your enamel. 

Furthermore, drinking through a straw can help cut down on the acidity of the coffee and help protect your teeth from any potential decay.

Rinse your mouth after drinking coffee

Rinsing your mouth with water after drinking coffee can help to reduce its impact on your teeth. This is because saliva helps to neutralize acids and reduce the effects of erosion on tooth enamel. Rinsing with water helps flush away any residue left behind and reduces the risk of staining. 

Additionally, waiting at least thirty minutes before brushing will let the acid in your mouth neutralize, further preventing erosion and potential staining. Eating vegetables or crunchy fruits such as apples and celery can help to stimulate saliva production as well. By following these simple steps, you can enjoy your coffee without worrying about its potential effects on your teeth.

Coffee stains on coffee mugs. Plaque and teeth concept.

Brush your teeth regularly

Regular brushing teeth is key to reducing the impact of coffee on teeth. Brushing removes the coffee residue from the teeth and helps prevent staining. Brushing at least twice daily with fluoride-containing toothpaste is important to remove plaque and maintain enamel health. 

Flossing after each meal helps to remove any plaque buildup between the teeth and prevents the buildup of bacteria that can lead to tooth decay. 

Additionally, brushing after each cup of coffee will help to reduce staining and keep your teeth healthy. Doing this will also help protect your enamel against the acidity of coffee, allowing it to remain strong and intact.

Brush your teeth after drinking coffee

Bristling your teeth after drinking coffee is not as simple as it may seem. While brushing post-coffee can help remove any stain-causing residue and reset the pH levels in your mouth, it can also weaken your enamel and spread sugar and acid around your teeth. That’s why it’s important to take other steps to reduce the impact of coffee on your teeth.

Drink plenty of water

Drinking plenty of water is essential for keeping your teeth and gums healthy. Water helps reduce the acidity of coffee and other beverages and wash away bacteria from the mouth. 

It also helps to produce saliva, which helps to neutralize acids in the mouth and protect the enamel from erosion. By keeping up with your daily water intake, you can help reduce the impact of coffee on your teeth and help keep your entire mouth healthy.

Avoid sugary additives

It’s important to avoid sugary additives if you want to keep your teeth healthy. Sugar is one of the biggest offenders when it comes to bad teeth, and it can contribute to the erosion of tooth enamel, sticky teeth, and cavities. 

If you are going to drink coffee, try to avoid adding other sweeteners like sugar to it. 

Use sugar-free alternatives to sweeten your coffee

Using sugar-free alternatives to sweeten coffee can help reduce coffee’s impact on your teeth. Natural sweeteners like monk fruit, honey, and Stevia are healthier for your teeth than plain sugar. 

While these sweeteners are not necessarily cavity-proof, they can be a great way to add flavor without the added sugar. 

See your dentist regularly

It is important to schedule regular visits to your dentist when consuming coffee. Your dentist can advise you on the best practices to maintain a healthy smile while enjoying your favorite cup of joe. 

A professional cleaning can help remove any plaque and tartar buildup caused by coffee consumption. 

Additionally, your dentist can provide tips for improving your dental hygiene. Regular checkups will also help to identify any early signs of tooth or enamel erosion or discoloration caused by coffee consumption. By taking these preventative steps, you can enjoy coffee without worrying about its impact on your teeth.


It is important to be mindful of the potential risks of drinking coffee regarding oral health. While coffee contains acids and tannins that can cause staining and damage tooth enamel, you can take a few steps to lessen the impact of coffee on your teeth. 

You can drink coffee through a straw, rinse your mouth after drinking, brush your teeth regularly, avoid sugary additives, and use sugar-free alternatives to sweeten your coffee. It is also important to visit your dentist regularly for regular checkups and professional advice. By taking these steps, you can enjoy your cup of joe without worrying about the potential damage it could cause to your teeth.

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Editorial Staff

The editorial staff at Crazy Coffee Crave is a team of coffee enthusiasts & Baristas who enjoy the one thing we all think about as soon as we get up in the morning. Trusted by thousands of readers worldwide.