Can You Put Nutmeg in Coffee?

crazy by Editorial Staff | Updated on April 26th, 2023

If you are looking to add some spice to your coffee, you may consider this new ingredient slowly but surely invading the coffee scene. It’s no other than our nutmeg. These inner seeds of nutmeg trees give your coffee some extra kick that adds to its interesting and refreshing taste for that new and exciting coffee experience.

Nutmeg in coffee? Why?

Many people have adored black coffee for so long, but spicing it up a little may even add to an already stable and long-term love affair. Adding nutmeg to coffee will also give your taste buds a great deal of pleasant experience. Its sweet aroma and its earthiness will indeed up your caffeine game.

clear drinking glass full of orange liquid

What is nutmeg?

Scientifically known as Myristica fragrans, it naturally grows in Indonesia, Malaysia, and southern India. Seeds are sundried for almost 8 weeks and kept in an airtight container to keep them fresh for six months or more. To use, grate or grind the seeds in a rough powder shape. It’s so strong that you need a small amount of highly flavored coffee.

What does nutmeg taste like?

Nutmeg has a fresh, rich aroma, woody, bittersweet flavor with hints of clove. It is warm and aromatic with a deep flavor.

So if that does not answer your question, is nutmeg good in coffee? Then I don’t know what else to say, except it has a lot of benefits.

Does nutmeg have any health benefits?

Nutmeg is found to have health benefits:

  • including its ability to relieve pain,
  • soothe indigestion,
  • strengthen cognitive function,
  • detoxify the body,
  • boost skin health,
  • ease oral conditions,
  • reduce insomnia,
  • increase immune system function,
  • and prevent leukemia, and improve blood circulation.

And since coffee also has a ton of health benefits, the benefits of nutmeg in coffee are without evidence. However, can you drink too much?

Is nutmeg healthy?

Take note that too much of anything is bad, so make sure you don’t use this spics in a humongous amount. The benefits of nutmeg in coffee will diminish if you use too much of it. Use it for two teaspoons or more, which may cause more harm than good. The following symptoms may be telltale signs that you’re ingesting too much nutmeg:

  • Disorientation
  • Dry mouth
  • Abdominal pain
  • Hallucinations
  • Increased heart rate
  • High blood pressure
  • Seizures

However, this should not stop you from trying the joy of adding nutmeg to your coffee. You only need a bit to spice up your coffee. Just keep it away from children and anyone else who might take it in large quantities.

How much nutmeg in coffee should you drink?

According to the case studies from the Illinois Poison Center, even 10 grams (approximately 2 teaspoons) of nutmeg are enough to cause symptoms of toxicity. At doses of 50 grams or more, those symptoms become more severe. Therefore, the dangers of nutmeg overdose can occur no matter the delivery method.

Nutmeg in coffee recipe

To add nutmeg to coffee, sprinkle in a few dashes. Then, you can enjoy the best taste when you add it to your freshly brewed cup of Joe. But if you have some extra time to spare, try this recipe for some fancy homemade caffeine cups!

Vanilla nutmeg coffee

In this recipe, you will need a coarse ground vanilla bean, ½ cup of pre-grinded coffee beans of your choice, ¾ teaspoon of ground nutmeg, and a couple of cinnamon sticks.

  1. Throw in the coffee and nutmeg grounds with the vanilla bean in the filter basket and grind.
  2. Put the cinnamon sticks in the coffee pot and brew with 6 cups of water.
  3. Wait for at least five minutes, then remove the cinnamon sticks.

And just like that, you now have a nutmeg-spiced coffee to enjoy! Happy drinking!


Does nutmeg raise blood pressure?

Nutmeg has hypotensive abilities and can help manage hypertension. Also, nutmeg spice is rich in calcium, potassium, and magnesium, the key nutrients to manage high blood pressure.

Does nutmeg help you sleep?

Yes. A natural chemical called trimyristin found in nutmeg induces sleep, relaxing your tired muscles and nerves and providing a sense of calmness.

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Editorial Staff

The editorial staff at Crazy Coffee Crave is a team of coffee enthusiasts & Baristas who enjoy the one thing we all think about as soon as we get up in the morning. Trusted by thousands of readers worldwide.