The Battle of the Brewers: Moka Pot vs. Aeropress

crazy by Editorial Staff | Updated on April 3rd, 2023

Suppose you are not all for the waste and carbon copies imprinted by buying espresso from coffee shops or investing in coffee machines. In that case, this article tackles two cheaper alternatives to having your cup of coffee without compromising the authentic taste of an espresso. Here, we will talk about the Moka Pot and Aeropress.

Moka pot vs. Aeropress

The world owes an Italian Barista for inventing the concept of preparing coffee in a stovetop vessel. On the other end, we have an engineer-slash-coffee connoisseur to thank for inventing Aeropress brewing. 

moka pot vs aeropress

The beautiful thing about these coffee makers is that two: they are relatively affordable, and both boast of fast brewing times. And that’s about all their similarities because all the features we have yet to discuss are their points of difference. They rarely share anything in common, from the look-up to the brewing method.

Before anything else, let’s get to know them more.

Aeropress coffee brewing method

This is a non-conventional brewing method, and it functions to prepare an espresso-like coffee. How is this possible? Because parts of the espresso preparation are also found in Aeropress brewing! Specifically, this is by utilizing the pressurized water to flow and penetrate through the coffee grounds where it will be extracted. 

Despite the similarity, here is where Aeropress becomes the easier device to use. The plunger creates enough pressure to mix water and coffee in the brewing vessel via the Aeropress. A filter paper is on the opposite side of the plunger, where the extracted grounds will give you your cup of coffee.

Baristas and coffee connoisseurs typically let the coffee grounds steep for half a minute before stirring. After which, the mixture is plunged into the filter to let the coffee flow out. It is by far one of the simplest methods of coffee makers available today. Additionally, because of its portability and the heating source it requires, it is an excellent option for camp trips and other travel.

When it comes to the coffee itself, an Aeropress preparation results in a complex coffee with accompanying fruity notes brought about by the pressurized extraction of the beans. With Aeropress, you can enjoy a caffeine rush that feels like a sweet syrup with the aroma of an intense coffee.

How to brew with Aeropress?

  1. Place the coffee grounds in the brewing chamber. A consistency that is finer than common salt is recommended.
  2. Pour hot water into the chamber and stir for a few seconds.
  3. Attach the filter cap and put the plunger in place. 
  4. Place the paper filter in the filter cap.
  5. Attach the filter cap on the opposite side of the plunger, a.k.a. the mouth of the brewing chamber.
  6. Push the plunger with consistent pressure to let the coffee flow out.
  7. Enjoy your 
  8. coffee!

Stovetop espresso maker method

In this corner is another method of brewing an espresso-equivalent coffee. The taste of the coffee brewed using this method grows far from the Aeropress coffee or espresso shots.

This is known to be an old-school brewing style that was invented in Italy. Despite its simplicity and ease of use, brewing your cup of Joe through a Moka Pot is still a reliable means of brewing yourself a wonderful espresso.

The Stovetop espresso method directs the boiling water and the steam through the coffee grounds for extraction. With the pressure of the steam and rising water, extraction will take place. This rising water will direct your coffee to fall and flow into the vessel. Additionally, due to the filter, the extracted coffee grounds will remain in the coffee basket, giving you a delicious cup with zero grounds. Sounds good to me!

To avoid a somewhat burnt and bitter taste, practice makes perfect. Timing is key! Excessive boiling and extraction should be avoided. However, this is not a difficult thing to achieve. Keep the flame at a minimum to brew your perfect coffee. This technique will even add delightful notes.

How to brew with Moka Pot?

  1. Pour water into the boiling chamber of the Moka Pot. Keep in mind that the water level should remain below the relief valve.
  2. Place the coffee grounds in the coffee basket and keep the grind size fine.
  3. Screw the serving chamber on the boiler.
  4. Boil the water over the stove or your heating source of choice. 
  5. Wait until the gurgling stops, then pour your coffee into your cup. 
  6. Enjoy your coffee!

To set things straight.

To conclude, no method wins because both coffee makers brew differently and utilizes different methods. In short, they are not directly comparable, so whichever wins mainly depends on personal preference. For those who love their coffee as hard as possible, Moka Pots can brew that for you. On the other hand, if you are not a fan of a very strong coffee and enjoy a cup every morning, you may go for Aeropress. Either way, the way you want your coffee is entirely up to you!


Can you make espresso with an AeroPress?

Short answer, no. But some people argue that an AeroPress can make espresso-like coffee. But literally and technically, no.

Is a Moka Pot cheaper than an AeroPress?

No, both cost around $30 for a good one.

Is it faster to make coffee with an AeroPress?

Yes, the entire brewing process will take less than 1 minute to complete, and under 5 minutes if you count the prepping (for example, boiling water and grinding beans). Compared with the Moka pot, the brew time will take at least 5 to 10 minutes. Longer if you want a better brew 🙂

Is it easier to use a Moka Pot or an AeroPress?

With a Moka Pot. All you have to do is put coffee and water and let it sit on a stovetop until it boils. With an AeroPress, the same thing, but you must push the air out of the device to extract the coffee. So, do you want a bit of workout in the morning?

Should you get a stovetop Moka Pot or an AeroPress?

I’d say get both and might as well get a French Press and a Chemex while you’re at it. For the cost and starting as an enthusiast, you won’t know your preference until you try it all. As for me, in the morning, I get to decide which way I want to make my coffee; it’s fun.

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Disclosure: No compensation or free products were received in exchange for writing this review.


Editorial Staff

The editorial staff at Crazy Coffee Crave is a team of coffee enthusiasts & Baristas who enjoy the one thing we all think about as soon as we get up in the morning. Trusted by thousands of readers worldwide.