Is it OK to Drink Coffee After Tooth Extraction?

crazy by Editorial Staff | Updated on December 5th, 2022

A warm cup of coffee in the morning washes away the lethargy of the day before and kicks you awake from the inside out for a new day! But what if you’ve just taken out a tooth the day before?

It brings us to a common question: may I drink coffee after having a tooth extracted?

tooth extraction

We cannot give you a precise response without a full discussion because the response is dependent on so many aspects! We will go over why and when you can drink coffee and why and when you can’t, depending on the status of your tooth extraction!

Take a look since your health is more essential than everything else!

Coffee after tooth extraction

As previously said, we will discuss whether or not you can drink coffee after your tooth extraction. Yes, the question appears simple, but the solution cannot be described in binary terms.

When it comes to your tooth, so many factors come into play.

There are several degrees of severity associated with tooth extraction. Depending on that, today, we’ll talk about whether or not you can consume coffee after the extraction period.

If you look at the dentists’ responses, you’ll notice that they study the complexities of your case and then recommend food to you.

The differences between mild and severe tooth extraction

Extraction of Severe Tooth

All dentists advise you not to consume coffee after having serious teeth extractions. Yes, you may be a coffee addict who cannot go a day without it, but can you get through the day if you have acute dental pain? No! As a result, if you have significant dental discomfort, we do not advocate drinking coffee.

We will warn you not to get near hot coffee, especially if you enjoy it! Caffeine reacts more strongly in hot coffee than in cold coffee. Also, if the coffee is hot, it can readily break and dissolve the pre-formed clots!

But do note that cold or iced coffee is different than cold brew. Cold brew has more caffeine than iced coffee.

This can wreak havoc on your dental health. Aside from that, another point to consider is the healing process following tooth extraction. Your tooth’s wound is open during the healing procedure.

Consider a wound on your wrist. Would you be at ease if you were to pour hot water there? No! The tooth is the same way.

It is not possible to pour hot water on the wound inside the mouth. It will eventually have an impact on your tooth’s healing process. Wait 24 hours or more in this scenario to ensure that the wound is healed. Also, keep in mind that blood clots may form in the wound.

There is a potential that you will have a dry socket if the blood clots do not form before the healing process begins. If you drink coffee, you are more likely to attack the dry socket and, naturally, lengthen the healing time.

Mild tooth extractions

Things are a little easier in the case of minor tooth extraction. The discomfort is less severe here, and the possibilities of improving or healing are higher. In addition, if you consume coffee, you will not experience any consequences. However, we do not recommend that you drink hot coffee.

It is preferable to avoid coffee, but if you can’t start your day without a cup of coffee, you can always brew iced coffee! The amount of caffeine should not irritate the tooth.

Even if you have just had surgery, the caffeine in cold coffee will not hurt your teeth or slow down the healing process. However, if you are experiencing any issues, you should seek the advice of a doctor.

After you’ve spent 48 hours or more recovering from tooth extraction, you can always settle for a cup of cold coffee.

What happens after tooth extraction?

The term “blood clot” may not bring up pleasant images in your mind. They are, nonetheless, vital and aid in the healing process following tooth extraction.

On the other hand, a dry socket arises when a blood clot does not form before your wound heals, as it should, according to the Mayo Clinic. This can cause significant pain, discomfort, and a terrible taste in your mouth.

Coffee consumption increases the likelihood of a dry socket. As a result, it’s a good idea to turn off the coffee machine for a few days.

What is a dry socket?

A dry socket is a reason why you should be careful in drinking and eating at extreme temperatures because of dry socket.  A dry socket is when the blood clot formed after extraction is dislodged or displaced.

As a result, the hole will be exposed and vulnerable to particles getting stuck to it.  Once the clot is affected, it can lengthen the healing time. This can be painful and may last for at least three days to one week.

What causes dry sockets?

Some food can trigger dry sockets, and these should be avoided within three days after tooth extraction since that is when the gums are at most vulnerable. It is best to eat room-temperature food and beverages. 

How to avoid dry sockets?

To avoid complications from dry sockets, it is best to contact your dentist for recommendations if it needs cleaning or if you see signs of infection. If non-professional cleaning is fine, use the prescribed mouthwash.

If pain in the extraction site occurs, you may opt to use Ibuprofen or other over-the-counter medicine. You may also lessen the pain by applying ice packs in the area.

Within the first 24 hours

It is also best to eat soft foods within the first 24 hours to avoid cheek biting and minimize chewing. Some foods you may eat are bananas, mashed potatoes, oatmeal, soft bread, soup, and steamed fish.

After 24 hours

During this time, you can now try semi-soft solid food such as cheese, tender meat, and roasted or boiled vegetables. Just be very careful not to chew on the side of the extracted teeth and to chew slowly. 

Within the first few days

Your gum is still in the process of healing at least three days after the tooth removal. Within this time frame, limit sugary food such as ice cream and milkshakes. It is also best to avoid hard food, which can negatively impact clottings such as steaks and raw vegetables.

Aftercare for a tooth extraction

The goal of your tooth extraction is to provide you with comfort from that poorly developed tooth or decaying tooth or to aid with any of your cosmetic needs. Aftercare is important to ensure that you do not experience issues such as a dry socket or contaminated sutures.

There are numerous aftercare measures you should use to ensure a speedy recovery, and they are as follows:

1. Swelling, bruising and bleeding

  • Use an ice pack to minimize obvious swelling.
  • Avoid spitting out any type of liquid unnecessarily to avoid dislodging blood clots.
  • Gently bite on the gauze given to decrease bleeding and promote clot formation.

2. Rest

Resting is a crucial post-care activity since every energy must be saved to redirect the body’s energy into repairing the sutures. It entails:

  • Limiting any intense activities for the first 24 hours.
  • Use caution when performing any physical activity, such as getting out of a recliner posture.
  • When resting on a flat surface, prop up your head region with a pillow to avoid blood pooling.

3. Mouth care

  • For the first three days, avoid using any straw because it increases and draws pressure to the back of your mouth, which is normally around the removed region.
  • Floss and rinse with salt or saline water for the first 48 hours.
  • You can start brushing away from the removed area, with a gentle brush, on the third day.
  • Do not disturb the blood clot that has already formed.
  • Don’t smoke or engage in any smoking-related activities.
  • Don’t poke into the removed hole; you might initially be tempted because it feels empty.

4. Pain

  • Take the pain-relieving medications that have been prescribed to you, and make sure you use them regularly.
  • Do not use aspirin for pain because it is a blood thinner and will cause clot formation to be delayed.

5. Suture

Following the extraction, your dentist will inform you if the sutures used are self-dissolving or not. If they are not, do not maintain the sutures for an extended time; instead, go to the dentist to remove them.

6. Reasons to visit the doctor

Aside from routine check-ups and suture removal, you should see a doctor right immediately if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • Severe jaw stiffness that lasts more than 24 hours.
  • Sensation loss on either the left or right side of your chin and lips
  • Difficulty swallowing or breathing
  • Pus or oozing in the removed socket
  • Severe headache that is not alleviated by the prescribed pain relievers
  • Swelling that lasts more than 48 hours
  • Fever
  • Excessive bleeding

Foods and drinks to avoid after teeth extraction

Here are some foods and drinks to avoid teeth extraction, as these can trigger dry sockets that may lead to complications.

Gummies, candies, and nuts

Gummies and slimy candies may stick to your tooth, are hard to remove, and can irritate your already fragile nerves. The same is true for hard candies, seeds, and nuts. These may get stuck in your gum hole.

Spicy, hot, and chewy food

Chewy and tough food can be painful because it will dislodge the clot. The same is true for spicy food such as noodles. Chew and spicy food such as steak and chicken wings are a big no-no, especially in the first two days of the danger zone.

Aside from these, hot food, even if not spicy and chewy like eggs and fish, are also to be avoided as it can give burns to the sensitive area of your gums. Better choose soft, on-spicy, and cold or room-temperature food instead.

Frozen drinks

Frozen coffee drinks and ice cubes are also to be avoided as these contain small ice particles. These particles could get dislodged in the clot site and may trigger a dry socket.

Fizzy, acidic, and hot drinks

Carbonated drinks such as alcohol and soft drinks can trigger dry sockets. The same is true for acidic drinks such as lemon. Aside from these fizzy and acidic drinks, you should also avoid hot beverages.

Hot beverages such as coffee can have a negative impact on blood clots, especially in the first 24-48 hours. It can cause enlargement of the muscular vessels, which may lead to bleeding.

For your additional safety, wait for at least 5 days before drinking hot coffee. By then, your affected gums and muscles have already healed.

What can you eat and drink after having your tooth removed?

Fortunately, you will not be required to fast after tooth extraction. Instead, you can stick to the following diet and be satiated without endangering the extraction site:

  • After leaving the dentist’s office, drink two to three glasses of water and eat a modest meal while avoiding the extraction site.
  • During the first few days after your tooth extraction, your meals should consist of soft and bland foods such as mashed potatoes, soups, refried beans, cottage cheese, smoothies, and more.
  • Drink lots of liquids to stay hydrated but avoid hot beverages (like coffee).

Why not coffee?

There are a variety of snacks and beverages available. So, why are we focusing on coffee in particular? Coffee is significant because most individuals cannot function without a cup of coffee.

It keeps these individuals awake and working throughout the day!

But the important thing to remember here is that coffee affects people differently. Common coffee cover issues include: when I drink coffee after tooth extraction, I take time to heal! Yes, we couldn’t agree more!

Coffee is not recommended for a variety of reasons! Let’s look at why you should avoid coffee in these conditions.

Here are some reasons why you should avoid coffee following tooth extraction:

• It thins the blood: Caffeine, according to vascular health clinics, can weaken the blood vessels, causing high blood pressure and palpitations. It can aggravate your anxiousness, which is the last thing you want to happen when you are in pain.

• It can result in a loss of bladder control: Coffee increases the desire to go to the bathroom frequently, which is not ideal for someone who undergoes an hour-long surgery that requires them to remain still.

Even after the procedure, you are expected to move less and rest more. How is this possible if you continue to use the restroom frequently?

• It may cause you to lose more calcium in your frequent urination: Your tooth extraction needs as much calcium as possible for recovery, but how will you heal efficiently if you waste it on every trip to the bathroom?

The effects of drinking coffee following tooth extraction

Teeth extraction is a routine procedure at the dental clinic; the wound that remains after the extraction bleeds until a clot form. As a result, the patient must take proper care for a few days until the wound heals on its own.

A gauze swab is usually placed in the empty socket to halt the bleeding and protect the area. You can’t consume coffee for a few hours because of the following reasons:

  • Caffeine dilates the blood vessels in our muscles. There is a danger of bleeding, and the wounds will take much longer to heal.
  • Second, coffee gives us energy. One of the reasons for this is that it raises blood pressure. Drinking coffee after the extraction causes bleeding from the empty socket due to an increase in blood pressure. 
  • Finally, caffeine produces acid in the stomach, which aids digestion. Following the extraction, your diet may be restricted for a few hours or a day; as a result, the excess acid produces heartburn, nausea, and even vomiting.

Hot coffee versus cold coffee after wisdom tooth removal

Coffee has a lot of health benefits, such as reducing the risk of stroke and increasing energy. However, it can also trigger enamel erosion because of its acidity. If you are a daily coffee drinker, you may have brittle teeth.

It might not be a good idea for you to drink coffee, especially after a tooth extraction. Here is some information you need to know before brewing coffee after getting your tooth removed.

Hot coffee

You should not drink hot coffee because it can damage blood clots and cause gum pain. Other than that, It will also increase your blood pressure. A higher blood pressure risks more chances of socket bleeding.

Cold coffee

On the other hand, cold or iced coffee is not a no-no. As long as you do not have sensitivity, you should be fine.

Caffeinated drinks are generally to be avoided after tooth extraction because it may trigger bleeding and clotting issues, but cold coffee has less caffeine content. Cold coffee will also not cause damage to the blood clot.

Alternative beverages after an extraction

Staying hydrated after minor oral surgery can aid in normal healing and prevent dry sockets. While you should avoid drinking coffee after an extraction, there are plenty of other beverages you can enjoy, such as:

  • Water – Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and flushing food particles away from the extraction site.
  • Sports Beverages – Non-carbonated sports drinks hydrate well, but they also have a lot of sugar in them. If you take sports drinks, wash your teeth afterward.
  • Milk – Milk is both healthy and high in calcium, which helps to build teeth.

Smoothies can help you acquire the vitamins and nutrients your body needs, especially if you are eating less following oral surgery. Just avoid fruits with tiny seeds, such as blackberries and strawberries.

Seeds might become lodged in the hole in your gums, causing difficulties.

Iced coffee compilation

So hot coffee is already outlawed! This leads us to the next question: Can I drink iced coffee after having a tooth extracted? Yes, you can! Yes, iced coffee and cold brew coffee are both acceptable.

As previously said, it contains less caffeine, so it won’t prevent the wound from healing.

Another important aspect to remember is that it will not dissolve previously formed clots, unlike hot coffee. So your wound is secure and will continue to heal! 

Another thing to consider is the way of consuming coffee. Because you enjoy iced coffee or cold brew, you must avoid using a straw.

The sucking motion of your mouth while using a straw can dissolve the blood clot and return you to the injured state. To avoid this, discard the iced coffee straws.

Can coffee be harmful to your health?

  • Coffee provides a lot of health benefits for athletes and workers, yet it also causes cavities. So, if you already have dental problems, we recommend that you avoid coffee.
  • Coffee might cause blood vessels to dilate. It will eventually result in excessive blood pressure.
  • Furthermore, if you are overburdened with work, you may develop stress or anxiety disorders due to not getting enough sleep. These will undoubtedly aggravate your dental ache.

Reminders when drinking cold coffee and other cold beverages

  • Avoid using straws. Sucking in straw can lead to an opened wound as it will damage the clot in your gums. This can cause pain or even bleeding. Drink from a cup instead.
  • Avoid acidic beverages. Black coffees such as iced Americano are acidic. Acidic drinks can cause pain and discomfort at the tooth extraction site. You may lessen the acidity by adding milk to it instead.
  • Avoid coffee with solid sinkers and toppings. Chips, cookies, brownies, and other additions to your coffee can get stuck in your teeth extraction site. Better avoid these and opt for the ones with a plain liquid composition.
  • Avoid cold brews. Cold brews are different from iced coffees. Cold brews have higher caffeine content which may hamper your gum’s healing process.

How long does it take to heal a tooth?

According to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, the type of immune system you have influenced the tooth healing process. The first 24 hours are the most difficult as the clotting process begins and your body mends the sutures.

Your extraction site may swell, but this is easily remedied with an ice pack. Bleeding that lasts longer than 48 hours should be reported to a doctor right at once.

Slight bleeding and greater healing occur 1-3 days later as the body works on mending, which may cause pain. It is recommended that you change your gauze because enough blood has been absorbed.

When resting, raise your head and take pain relievers if the ache worsens. Floss and brush normally, but avoid the extraction area because it is still painful.

Rinse your mouth with saline or salt and water, but do not gargle in the extraction area.

Following 1-4 weeks, you should have healed clots and tooth sockets, sutures removed by your dentist if they are non-dissolvable, and a routine check-up with your dentist.

Everything should be back to normal in no time, as all aches and pains should have subsided. Hard meals and beverages can now be reintroduced.

Projected period

You already know that you can’t drink hot coffee after having your teeth out, but you might be wondering, “When can I drink coffee after tooth extraction?” Yes, we will answer this question as well! We understand how much you miss coffee.

However, this is also dependent on the state of your teeth. Whether you had a severe or light extraction, all you need to do is wait 4 to 5 days before you start drinking coffee again.

The wound inside the mouth is now healing, and soon, you’ll be able to drink coffee again.

If you drink coffee after this interval, whether cold or hot, you will have no problems, and your wound will be unaffected! If you ask us how long it will take for your tooth to heal, we will tell you that it will take at least 24 hours.

In rare circumstances, it will last 48 to 72 hours. However, if you have a bleeding problem, you must wait at least 5 days to be healed before drinking your hot beverage!

Wrap up

You now know everything there is to know about your favorite coffee and the tooth extraction procedure. We understand how difficult it is for you to wait that long for coffee.

However, they say that health is riches! Don’t forget to keep your dentist informed at all times. They can assist you more than any of us. And if you can’t, come to us; we’ll find a solution for you!

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Editorial Staff

The editorial staff at Crazy Coffee Crave is a team of coffee enthusiasts & Baristas who enjoy the one thing we all think about as soon as we get up in the morning. Trusted by thousands of readers worldwide.