Gabi Dripmaster A and Gabi Master B review

default image by Vasileia Fanarioti | Updated on February 3rd, 2023

I’m back again with another article regarding pour-over! It’s actually quite impossible not to when you first go down that rabbit hole, there is just too much to explore. Today I’m going to present to you two relatively new products to the world of pour-over: The Gabi Dripmaster A and the Gabi Master B.

In shot, the difference is that the Gabi Dripmaster A is a coffee dripper while the Gabi Master B is an accessory for brewing pour-over coffee that sits on top of your dripper. Together, we are going to find out how they differ to other products and if they’re worth the hype! But first we need to talk about agitation.

gabi dripmaster

What is agitation?

Agitation, also known as turbulence, is a natural or forced occurrence during pour-over brewing. You can force agitation through stirring, tapping the dripper or swirling the brew but it can also happen naturally based on how heavily you are pouring the water. 

Alongside with other variables like brew ratio, water temperature and quality, grind size and overall brew time, agitation also will affect the final result of your brew. 

Long story short, it is one of the responsible variables for achieving an even extraction. During brewing, water has the tendency to find the fastest route to your cup. If the coffee grounds are not evenly distributed in the coffee bed the extraction will not be balanced.

You are probably wondering what this has to do with the Gabi Dripmaster A & B. Many recents inventions like these two products are designed to control the agitation variable as best as possible and achieve even extraction. Let’s find out how that’s possible.

Gabi Dripmaster A: Origins and Design 

Gabi Dripmaster A
Gabi Dripmaster A

The Gabi Dripmaster A was brought to the market by Korean company Glowbeans in 2016. Its parts include:

  • A water tank 
  • A dispersion screen
  • A flat-bottom dripper

You start by putting the dripper on your mug, then the dispersion screen sits on the dripper and the water tank goes on top. Once you assemble them together you get a compact dripper that easily sits on top of your carafe or mug. 

The water tank fits 150ml that lets the water flow into the dispersion screen through one hole. The idea of the water tank is to slow down the water before it reaches the dispersion screen to achieve an even flow rate.

The dispersion screen is a device with 16 holes that make it look like a shower screen. The is an amazing feature that disperses the water evenly in the coffee bed in the form of water drops. 

The flat-bottom dripper has holes in the bottom and is similar to the Kalita Wave plus uses the same filters. The whole design aims to give you a clean and bright cup of coffee by focusing on even extraction.

Gabi Dripmaster A: My Recipe

You will need:

  • A timer
  • Scale
  • 15g of freshly ground coffee
  • 250 ml of hot water (210 F)
  • A spoon or stirrer

Step-by-step guide:

  1. Place the flat-bottom dripper on your mug without the dispenser and the tank
  2. Add a rinsed filter and your coffee in the dripper 
  3. Slowly pour 30 ml of hot water and wait for it to bloom for 30 seconds
  4. Stir once with a spoon or stirrer to make sure all grounds are covered in water
  5. After 30 seconds place the dispenser and the water tank on top of the dripper
  6. Pour 150 ml of water and wait until your timer reaches 02:30 minutes
  7. Then pour the rest 80 ml of hot water and wait until the timer reaches 03:30 minutes
  8. The water should have completed drained through the coffee bed and into your mug
  9. Remove the Gabi Dripmaster A and enjoy a clean and sweet cup of coffee!

Extra tip: I didn’t use the water dispenser and tank for the bloom part of the brewing process as what I’m looking for during the bloom is for the coffee grounds to be immersed in water rather quickly and the water dispenser slows that down. 

Note that when you proceed to place the dispenser and the tank on top at a later stage the total weight on your scales will be affected so you need to do the math by keeping your mind on your brew ratio. 

Gabi Dripmaster B: Design and Review
Gabi Dripmaster B

Like I mentioned in the beginning, the Gabi Dripmaster B is not a dripper but an additional tool to add to your pour-over brewing experience. 

It’s kind of like taking the water dispenser from the Gabi Dripmaster A and having it as a separate tool, but the design is a bit different. The Gabi Master B has two reservoirs: an inner narrow ring and an outer wider one. 

The inner one fits nearly 65 ml of water and the outer one around 45ml. This design helps you use the accessory with smaller coffee drippers like the Hario V60 size 01 but also bigger one like the 3-cup Chemex. 

If you keep pouring in the inner ring with speed, water will eventually flow to the outer ring so it’s up to you what flow rate you want to use and if you want to use only one or both rings. The design is similar to the one of the Melodrip although a bit more advanced. 

You can use the same recipe as the Gabi Dripmaster A but this time just add the Gabi Master B on top of the dripper of your choice. There are actually so many ways you can experiment with this accessory so go ahead and play around with the water flow rate and two rings to find out which style of use suits your coffee best!

Final Thoughts

All in all, I think both the Gabi Dripmaster A and the Gabi Master B are brilliant pour-over devices, especially for those who want a no hassle brewing experience. I find that with both it also doesn’t really matter if you’re not using a gooseneck kettle because the devices take care of that precision aspect themselves.

They’re definitely worth your attention and I would recommend both devices for those who like consistent results in their cup without exercising too much control, but instead letting the device take care of that. Happy Brewing!

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase using these links. Remember to support us by purchasing through the Amazon/Walmart/Impact Radius links provided. Last update on 2025-02-13 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Disclosure: No compensation or free products were received in exchange for writing this review.

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Vasileia Fanarioti

My name is Vasileia and I’m here because i decided to combine my two favourite things: writing and coffee. Don’t ever make me choose between filter and espresso, although I do have a soft spot for flat whites. I love travelling around the world and visiting coffee shops but my biggest goal is to visit a few coffee farms, to see where it all starts. Hopefully soon I’ll take you there through my articles.