If you are like most people, you have probably sipped on coffee from an automatic drip coffee maker for the better part of your life. But did you know that there are several other ways to prepare your morning drink?
One of the most popular methods is using a French Press device. However, a French Press differs from an automatic drip coffee maker. So, how are they different?
French press or Drip coffee maker? These are among the common coffee machines in the market. But, of course, there are other coffee makers, such as AeroPress, used by millions of people across the globe to prepare delicious cups of coffee daily.
The person using the device largely determines whether to use a French press or a drip coffee machine. Some will tell you the French Press is king, and others praise drip coffee makers.
Paying attention to everything you hear can be confusing. You may even find yourself unable to make a sound decision after paying keen attention to the various debate about the best coffee makers.
We understand how frustrating it can be to be slapped with confusing information, which is why this piece is here to guide you.
Below you will find useful information about the French press and drip coffee maker you can use to reach a decision. So, if you are unsure whether to budget for a drip coffee maker or French press, keep reading to learn more.
The French Press Coffee Maker
The French Press, first patented in 1929, is also commonly known as a press pot, cafetière à piston, cafeteria, coffee plunger, and coffee press. Since it was patented, the initial design has gone through many changes resulting in modern machines that are very simple and easy to use.
A French press consists of a plunger with an attached filter screen (metal mesh), a carafe (stainless steel container), and a lid. You place the coffee in the carafe, pour hot water, and allow the coffee ground to steep for at least three minutes.
Finally, you press the plunger gently down, and the finished coffee can be enjoyed with any accompaniment you prefer.
Why A French Press
There are many reasons why the French Press has been around for all those years. Below are some of the reasons why coffee lovers still use this coffee maker:
- It allows users to make a cup of coffee according to their taste: There is no limitation; coffee lovers have the freedom to prepare the best coffee in their way. This is because users have the liberty to alter various variables such as the temperature of the water, ground size, and steeping time.
- Another reason why the French press is an excellent maker is that it brews delicious and robust coffee. This is because it allows soluble solids and aromatic oils in your cup of coffee, ensuring you get the delicious and rich flavor in every cup you prepare.
- The size of the French press is the other reason you will love it. It is big enough, but not as big as a drip maker, to prepare enough coffee for your family. So, if you are looking for a coffee maker suitable for your family, the French press will not disappoint.
- Again, a French press is portable. For example, it can fit well in a hiker’s bag.
The Drip Coffee Maker
A drip coffee maker is yet another simple device that has continued to be honed over the years. Thanks to its manufacturers for working all those years tirelessly to give coffee lovers the best machine. It is a perfect option if you want a hot cup of coffee.
The Drip maker requires you to place a paper filter into the machine, add your chosen grounds, and then fill the reservoir with water. The water flows through into an aluminum tube contained inside the heating element. Once you have clicked the “on” switch, the heating elements heat the tube, bringing the water to boiling.
As the water boils, the bubbles create a rise in a second tube. Small bubbles of boiling water flow into the drip area, where the water is dispersed to drip evenly onto the grounds. The hot water passes over and through the coffee grounds, creating delicious coffee, and drips down into the waiting coffee pot that sits on a hotplate beneath.
Why Drip Coffee Maker
- A perfect option if you always thirst for hot coffee: Unlike the French press, the Drip maker will always guarantee you a hot cup of coffee every morning.
- A drip coffee maker is an excellent option if you love clean coffee. Its filter makes sure you get a cleaner drink.
French press and coffee maker comparison
Now that you have some tangible information about the two coffee makers, let’s compare them.
- Capacity: The drip coffee maker is the undisputed winner when it comes to capacity. An average drip coffee maker will yield up to 12 cups in just one cycle. At the same time, an average French press will yield between 2-4 cups, although a few versions will make eight cups.
- Hot and cold coffee: Again, the drip coffee maker is still the winner when it comes to keeping your coffee hot. This maker is designed to keep your coffee hotter than the French press. Any leftover coffee in a French press will quickly go cold, and you may be forced to reheat it to enjoy it. Alternatively, you can decant your coffee into a thermal carafe or decanter.
- Bean selection: You can use coffee beans with these machines, but it is crucial to pay attention to the grind you use on each. You mistake the type of grind on both machines; the extracted drink will be a different beverage. Often, the drip machine needs a medium grind, while the French Press requires a coarse grind.
- Brewing Speed: Need coffee within the shortest time possible? The French press is ideal if you need to grab your cup of coffee within the shortest time possible. For example, a French press takes 5-8 minutes to brew coffee on the overage. On the other hand, you are looking for 5-10 minutes when using a drip coffee maker.
The drip coffee maker takes a bit longer because you have to wait for the machine to heat up, brew the coffee, and allow it to drip down into the coffee pot.
- Ease of use: Making a perfect cup of coffee requires one to unleash their full potential. A French press gives every coffee lover the freedom to brew coffee. This is the case with drip automatic coffee makers. Once you press the button, everything else happens as you watch. In other words, a drip coffee maker is easy to use but may not give you enough time to use and perfect your skills.
- Reliability: Both devices are very reliable. You can use them comfortably, but few things make one machine more reliable than the other. For example, in case of an interrupted power supply, a drip maker will not function. However, whether there is power or not, your French press will continue to operate unless you break the glass container.
- Coffee taste: By a French press giving you total control of the final drink, you have the freedom to make a drink that you genuinely love. Besides, a French maker does allow oils and soluble solids into your cup of coffee hence enjoying a delicious and robust coffee. However, when it comes to the drip maker, its filtering technique leaves you with a weak coffee which many coffee fans don’t like.
What About Cost?
There can be quite a difference in cost between auto coffee makers and French Press devices. However, as with anything else in life, you get what you pay for. Therefore, a higher-quality drip coffee maker may cost more than a cheaper French Press model.
On the other hand, many rather expensive French-pressed coffee makers cost more than the average automatic drip machine.
It might be said that there are more inexpensive drip coffee maker models available right now, and the majority of French Presses are a bit more expensive. However, that’s not to say that you cannot find a French Press for less than $30.
Conclusion: Who wins?
So, French press vs. an automated coffee drip machine–is there a winner? No, not because it’s up to you at the end of the day.
The French press offers you the most power over all possible variables and a better-tasting coffee. While not ideal for keeping your coffee hot all day, cleaning and preparing your French press will not take much effort to make your next batch when needed.
Drip machines are great if you don’t want to think about making coffee for every single cup. However, most people prefer them for ease of use and the ability for long periods to keep a pot of coffee warm.
But before you leave…
Each home barista now knows the importance of selecting beans. So instead of buying ready-ground coffee, most tend to roast our beans.
In addition to selecting your favorite beans, making your grinding allows you to choose the texture you like, which is crucial when using French press and drip machines.
The French press requires a coarse grind, but a medium grind is required for the drip machine. In both cases, the outcome will be disappointing if the finished coffee grounds are too coarse or too fine. This is due to the filter design in both tools, which requires clear and even coffee grounds to remove from each ground bean an equivalent coffee ratio.
Editorial Staff
The editorial staff at Crazy Coffee Crave is a team of coffee enthusiasts & Baristas who enjoy the one thing we all think about as soon as we get up in the morning. Trusted by thousands of readers worldwide.