If you’ve clicked on this article, there’s a good chance you’re thinking about updating your coffee table, or maybe you’re lucky enough to refurnish your house completely! It’s one of those pieces of furniture that slips by – you’re not going to spend as long thinking about it as your mattress, for example, but you’ll probably see and use it every day.

It can bring together a room; if you’re anything like us, socializing is just as likely to happen around the coffee table as it is around the dining table. So think about those afternoon cups of tea with your friends, watching movies with your nieces and nephews, or sharing a slice of cake with your neighbor, who’s quickly stopping by.

So, we know a coffee table is a key piece of furniture in your living room. But, as with all furniture, several key decisions exist before purchasing.
Do you need your coffee table to have lots of storage? A chunky wooden design, or more minimalist vibes? Do you want to make a statement, or is durability more important? Will it fit the space you have available?
These are all key questions to ask. However, we think you should add one more to your list – how high should your coffee table be?
What’s the Standard Coffee Table Height?

Generally, most coffee tables will be around 16-18 inches (40-45 cm for the metric folk). If you are standing up, you’ll generally find they come in around your knee. If you’ve got a higher couch, remember that you want a coffee table an inch or two higher than the standard size.
How High Should A Coffee Table Be?
The general rule is that a coffee table should be around 1-2 inches lower than your existing couches. But it’s good to remember when you’re considering your next coffee table purchase. Make sure you’re measuring from the ground to the top of your cushions, and most importantly, don’t forget to take note of the information!
Put it somewhere on your phone so that you won’t forget, next to all the other relevant measurements. For example, most coffee tables will fit your needs if you have a couch about 18-20 inches high at the cushion.
If you have a coffee table at the moment, take note of its height and whether it suits you! Do you find it’s too high or too low, or is it at the perfect height already?
If you’re lucky enough to start from scratch, keep these tips in mind, but reverse, should you come across your perfect coffee table before finding that perfect couch!
Can a coffee table be higher than the couch?

The obvious answer is yes, but the complete answer is that it can, but we don’t recommend it. If it’s higher than the couch, there’s no denying that it will be at an uncomfortable height.
If you want to put your feet on the coffee table while watching TV (don’t pretend you don’t, we won’t tell), that’s off the cards. However, if you want to eat in front of the TV (we all do it sometimes), then it will still be at an uncomfortable height as well.
Not to mention that it’s probably just going to look a bit strange – the coffee table and the couch(es) will appear unsuitable, even if they match in style and design.
How long should a coffee table be?
You want something smaller than your couch. If it’s too long, it will stop the room’s easy flow, and people will probably walk into it, as it won’t fit the visual expectation of how long a coffee table should be. On the other hand, if it’s too short, it’s going to be difficult to reach from all the seats of the couch, so it’s not going to be as useful.
As with the height of the coffee table, you want the length of your coffee table to be visually appealing and in line with the size and style of the other furniture.
My coffee table is too low! Help!

You may have inadvertently chosen a couch that was too big for your coffee table but perfect for you! Never fear; you can make up the height in other ways.
If it’s just the look of the coffee table that’s bothering you, we recommend getting some books or magazines or something to add a bit of visual distraction to your coffee table.
These little distractions can do wonders for your room, as they distract the eye, so no one will notice that your coffee table is too short for your couch. Of course, if you’ve got no one to impress, a (stable!) stack of books can also easily make up the missing height to hold your coffee – with a coaster!
If functionality is the problem, one solution is to top your coffee table off with a thick piece of whatever material is appropriate, whether wood or glass. But, of course, this can also double as a statement piece, depending on how you do it!
Realistically, the difference between a perfectly matched coffee table and one that’s too short is only an inch or two, so this is perfectly and easily doable!

A good coffee table can bring together the look of the room. A living room without a coffee table looks empty, not to mention that they can hold your books, remotes, drinks, and food platters for when your friends and family come over.
As a coffee table can be both a functional and statement piece, it makes sense to spend some time finding a good one that fits your room and your needs. In addition, we would encourage you to try to seek some form of harmony in your living room setup.
You want your pieces to match in as many ways as possible, design, color, material, form, and size, including, of course, the height of your coffee table!

Editorial Staff
The editorial staff at Crazy Coffee Crave is a team of coffee enthusiasts & Baristas who enjoy the one thing we all think about as soon as we get up in the morning. Trusted by thousands of readers worldwide.