Coffee Questions

I love coffee, but I’ve never been able to make sense of coffee beans. I mean, does it make a difference to grind them?

How do I know which kind of beans I need? What about my choice of coffee maker?

Coffee is complicated, right? Wrong.

I’m going to answer all your questions about coffee beans so that you can finally drink your favorite brew in peace.

Can You Froth Creamer? Yes, But Depends On The Type

Can You Froth Creamer? Yes, But Depends On The Type

When it comes to your home or personal care appliances, many of us don’t pay much attention until something goes…

How Long After Diarrhea Can I Have Coffee?

How Long After Diarrhea Can I Have Coffee?

Are you wondering how long after experiencing diarrhea, you can enjoy your morning cup of coffee? Or maybe you’re just…

How Long Does Whipped Cream Last?

How Long Does Whipped Cream Last?

If you love putting the finishing touches on your favorite cup of coffee with a dollop of whipped cream, then…

How Long After You Brush Your Teeth Can You Drink Coffee

How Long After You Brush Your Teeth Can You Drink Coffee

Do you love starting your morning with a cup of coffee? Have you ever wondered how long after brushing your…

Can You Drink Coffee After Using Inhaler

Can You Drink Coffee After Using Inhaler

Are you a coffee lover who also relies on an inhaler for respiratory issues? If so, you may have wondered…

Can You Drink Coffee While Wearing Invisalign & Braces?

Can You Drink Coffee While Wearing Invisalign & Braces?

I’m not going to lie: everyone wants their teeth to be straight and white! But it’s not easy to keep…

Revitalize Your Morning with Alkaline Coffee

Revitalize Your Morning with Alkaline Coffee

Leveling your PH level is important and coffee is acidic. So why not neutralize the water with alkaline water with…

How to Clean An Electric Kettle

How to Clean An Electric Kettle

How to clean electric kettle Clean your electric kettle in less than 30 minutes, so that you always have great…

Are Bleached Filters Bad for You?

Are Bleached Filters Bad for You?

Are you concerned about the health effects of using bleached filters? Are you wondering if other alternatives are safer? If…

Moka Pot vs. French press: Which One Is Better?

Moka Pot vs. French press: Which One Is Better?

The comparison between the French press and the moka pot really comes down to a choice between which type of…

How Decaf Coffee Is Made

How Decaf Coffee Is Made

How Decaf Coffee Is Made. Decaffeinated Coffee Making process. how is decaf coffee made? and how much caffeine does decaf…

Cappuccino vs. Flat White: Every Difference You Need to Know

Cappuccino vs. Flat White: Every Difference You Need to Know

What is the difference between a cappuccino and a flat white? These two drinks have been on coffee shop menus…

How Long After Taking Iron Can You Drink Coffee?

How Long After Taking Iron Can You Drink Coffee?

Do you take iron supplements but need a cup of coffee to start your day? It’s important to know how…

Does Espresso Have More Caffeine than Coffee?

Does Espresso Have More Caffeine than Coffee?

Does Espresso Have More Caffeine than Coffee? Caffeine is one of the main reasons we drink coffee—besides the delicious taste,…

Can You Use Regular Ground Coffee in French Press?

Can You Use Regular Ground Coffee in French Press?

Pre-ground coffee is good for drip coffee machines, although it's not perfect for French press (because it's almost aged). The…