The Coffee Blog

10 Best Gaggia Espresso Machines: Reviews and Comparisons

10 Best Gaggia Espresso Machines: Reviews and Comparisons

Choosing a Gaggia espresso machine is rather simple while selecting a particular model from the manufacturer’s lineup might be considerably…

Best Chemex Coffee Makers + Alternatives

Best Chemex Coffee Makers + Alternatives

The Chemex coffee maker, a pour-over brewer, is more than a coffee-making apparatus—it’s a design marvel. The captivating blend of…

What Is Coffee Waste and How to Stop it

What Is Coffee Waste and How to Stop it

Coffee is a drink that’s very connected with culture. Many countries have their own traditions, recipes and rituals when it…

What is Fermented Coffee: Benefits, Brewing, & More

What is Fermented Coffee: Benefits, Brewing, & More

Fermentation has produced some of the world’s most delectable beverages, including beer and wine. Both are delicacies that depend largely…

What Is The Difference Between Pressurized And Non-Pressurized Portafilters?

What Is The Difference Between Pressurized And Non-Pressurized Portafilters?

If you’re searching for your next coffee machine, you might have already encountered the types of portafilters: pressurized and non-pressurized.…

What Is Micro Lot Coffee? And Why You Should Care

What Is Micro Lot Coffee? And Why You Should Care

What comes into your mind when you hear “micro lot” coffee? Must be something tiny? A smaller plot? A tiny…

5 DIY Coffee Face Masks: Nourish & Refresh Your Skin

5 DIY Coffee Face Masks: Nourish & Refresh Your Skin

When we get out of bed in the morning, we all need some life in our cups. Why not top…

Coffee Enema: What It’s All About, and How It Works

Coffee Enema: What It’s All About, and How It Works

Coffee enema history Coffee enemas may have begun in the early 1900s as a cancer therapy by German physicians. However,…

How To Make Coffee Body Butter DIY: It’s Your Skin’s Favorite Morning Drink

How To Make Coffee Body Butter DIY: It’s Your Skin’s Favorite Morning Drink

Coffee body butter is simpler to prepare than you may think, and it may be tailored to your needs and…

Matcha vs. Coffee: Differences, Health Benefits, Pros & Cons and More

Matcha vs. Coffee: Differences, Health Benefits, Pros & Cons and More

Even if you’re a die-hard coffee drinker like me, you should broaden your horizons and consider trying Matcha. Jade Leaf…

What’s the Difference Between a Frappuccino and a Cappuccino?

What’s the Difference Between a Frappuccino and a Cappuccino?

In today’s bustling coffee culture, it’s easy to get lost in the sea of names, from your everyday latte to…

6 Best Smart Coffee Makers: Wi-Fi or Bluetooth-Enabled Machines

6 Best Smart Coffee Makers: Wi-Fi or Bluetooth-Enabled Machines

Apps on our phones have eased practically everything we do these days, from dating to banking. Why should preparing coffee…

Can I Heat Up Cold Brew Coffee?

Can I Heat Up Cold Brew Coffee?

Is it true that heating a cold brew concentrate makes it more acidic? And, most importantly, would it be tasty?…

What is Affogato? How To Make  It + Toppings

What is Affogato? How To Make It + Toppings

Italians are fantastic at making delectable coffee-based desserts, and you’ve probably heard of at least one of them. But do…

How to Froth Milk at Home Without a Frother [Here’s 6 Methods]

How to Froth Milk at Home Without a Frother [Here’s 6 Methods]

Do you enjoy lattes or cappuccinos? Do you want to make this foamy milk at home but lack a good…