7 Best Coffee for French Press Reviewed

crazy by Editorial Staff | Updated on July 29th, 2023

French press, with its simplistic design and straightforward brewing process, has become a staple in the homes of many coffee aficionados. However, even the most aesthetically pleasing and well-designed French press can’t ensure a perfect brew without the right coffee. The beans or grounds you select play a pivotal role in the taste and aroma of your coffee.

With numerous coffee bean options in the market, it can be overwhelming to select the right one for your French press. In this article, we will delve into the art of choosing the best coffee roast for your French press, discuss the significance of bean freshness and grind quality, and provide you with some top-notch coffee recommendations for your next French press brew.

Best Coffee for French Press

Best Coffees for French Press

Below we have wrapped six coffees for French Press that will not disappoint. Let’s go through them:

Two Volcanoes Ground Coffee, Dark Roast Espresso Blend

These organically cultivated beans originate in Guatemala. They are processed and packed in the same place, ensuring flavor and freshness. The coffee is coarse ground, primarily for French Press. The finished brew is smooth with smoky, woody notes.

Bulletproof Coffee French Kick, Dark Roast Organic Beans

Sourced from passive-organic plantations, where these beans are grown using chemical-free methods. They are then roasted to produce a dark roast that gives a smoky, smooth, and sweet note with chocolate overtones.

Koffee Kult Dark Roast Coffee Beans

Koffee Kult beans are roasted by hand in small batches at their US facility before being packed for freshness. 

The beans used are 100% Arabica beans. The dark roast help preserve the coffee’s natural flavors, which include cocoa and sweet cinnamon. The final brew is smooth and bright with a long finish.

Stone Street Coffee

Single-origin bean sourced from Peru. It is light to medium bean roasted in New York City. It is best known for its sweet and nutty finish. It is 100% organic and a great choice for making a cold brew in a French Press.

Death Wish Organic Whole Bean Coffee

Death Wish is known as one of the strongest coffee in the world. Without a doubt, a cup of Death Wish has double the amount of caffeine you will find in your regular cup of coffee. Its premium coffee beans are sourced from USDA Organic and Fair-Trade plantations. They are roasted to produce a surprisingly smooth brew that is popular across the globe.

Peet’s Coffee, Major Dickason’s Blend dark roast coffee

Smoky and full of complex flavors, this dark roast coffee is specifically designed to help users to start their day fully energetic. It delivers the right caffeine kick but is not bitter like most types of dark coffee. It is also packed to arrive at your door while still fresh.

Chestbrew Moon Bear Strong Dark Roast Coffee

Sourced from Arabica beans grown in Vietnam, these coffee beans are perfect for various coffee applications, including hot brew coffees, cold brews made in a French press, and other coffee makers. However, Chestbrew Moon Bear Coffee is best known for its strong and delicious coffee. 

french press

Selecting the Best Roast for Your French Press

When it comes to selecting a roast for your French press, it’s primarily a matter of personal preference. But there are a couple of roasts that coffee connoisseurs tend to favor for this brewing method: medium roast and dark roast. These roasts typically have a substantial amount of oil on the bean’s surface, which leads to a robust flavor without bitterness.

  • Light roast: Lightly roasted beans have a pale brown color and little oil or bitterness on their surface. Because of their delicate flavor profile, they might not be the best choice for French press brewing. If you opt for a light roast, consider skipping the milk, as it might overshadow the subtle flavors.
  • Medium roast: These beans are slightly darker with a bit more oil on the surface. Their richer flavor profile and pleasing aroma make them an excellent choice for French press brewing.
  • Medium-dark roast: Beans of this roast are darker and oilier than medium roast. They have less acidity and offer a full-bodied flavor profile, exhibiting floral, chocolate, and nutty notes. They work well in a French press, especially if you enjoy your coffee with milk.
  • Dark Roast: Characterized by a robust, smoky flavor with bitter notes, dark roast coffee beans have a significant amount of oil on the surface. They are commonly used for espresso. If you wish to use them for your French press, consider adding milk to soften the strong flavors.

Maintaining the Freshness of Your Beans

Fresh coffee beans are pivotal to brewing a flavorful cup of coffee. Pre-ground coffee tends to lose its exquisite oils and aromas over time, resulting in a lackluster brew. So, to achieve that full-bodied flavor, make sure to use fresh coffee beans.

Here are some tips to maximize the freshness of your coffee beans:

  • Purchase small quantities of beans regularly to ensure their freshness.
  • Only grind your beans when you’re ready to brew to maintain the aroma and oil in the coffee.
  • Opt for freshly roasted whole beans, ideally, those roasted within the last 30 days. Consider subscribing to a coffee subscription service, which delivers fresh coffee to your doorstep monthly.

Essential Tips for French Press Brewing

There are some standard principles that apply to all brewing techniques, including the French press. Here are some key factors to keep in mind to get the most out of your French press:

  • Invest in a high-quality French press coffee maker.
  • As much as possible, avoid pre-ground coffee, which quickly loses its freshness.
  • Buy quality whole-bean coffee and grind it just before brewing.
  • Choose a good coffee grinder (preferably a burr grinder), which is more consistent than blade grinders.
  • Purchase from reputable coffee roasters who roast their beans fresh.
  • Regularly clean your French press to ensure a clean-tasting brew.

The Right Grind for Your French Press

Unlike some other brewing methods, French press brewing requires a coarse grind to facilitate optimal flavor extraction. If you struggle to push the plunger down, your grind is likely too fine. However, if there’s little to no resistance, you have the right grind.

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Editorial Staff

The editorial staff at Crazy Coffee Crave is a team of coffee enthusiasts & Baristas who enjoy the one thing we all think about as soon as we get up in the morning. Trusted by thousands of readers worldwide.