Are There Tannins in Coffee? Let’s Unravel the Mystery!

crazy by Editorial Staff | Updated on April 26th, 2023

If you’re a coffee enthusiast or have dabbled in the world of tea and wine, you’ve likely come across the term “tannins.” Tannins are often associated with bitterness, astringency, and mouthfeel, but what are they really, and does your cup of coffee contain them? Let’s dive into the science behind tannins and find out!

What Exactly Are Tannins?

Tannins are a group of naturally occurring compounds that bind to proteins. They are commonly found in plant matter, and tea leaves are especially rich in tannins. The term “tannin” comes from the leather tanning industry, where tannins from oak bark were used to tan leather. But here’s the thing—tannins come in various types, such as hydrolysable tannins and condensed tannins, each with its own characteristics.


Key Takeaways:

  • Tannins bind to proteins.
  • They are found in plant matter, such as tea leaves and coffee.
  • Tannins come in various types, including hydrolysable and condensed tannins.

Tannins and Taste: What’s the Connection?

Ever sipped on a dry wine or a bitter coffee and felt that “dry” sensation in your mouth? That’s the work of tannins! Since tannins bind to proteins and saliva is full of proteins, the interaction causes a decrease in the lubrication provided by saliva, giving you that dry feeling.

Tannin Levels: A Comparison

To give you an idea of how tannin levels differ in various beverages, here’s a quick comparison table:

BeverageRelative Tannin Level
Black TeaHigh
Green TeaLow
Red WineHigh

Does Your Coffee Have Tannins?

The answer is a bit complicated. Coffee contains compounds called chlorogenic acid and dichlorogenic acid, which are classified as tannins. However, there’s some debate about whether these compounds contribute to the astringent flavors often linked to tannins. Factors such as brewing methods, extraction times, and bean grind size can also influence the taste and mouthfeel of your coffee.

Tips to Control Tannin Levels in Coffee

If you’re sensitive to tannins, here are some tips to control their levels in your coffee:

  • Opt for lighter roasts, which generally have lower tannin levels.
  • Avoid over-extraction by using coarser grinds and shorter brewing times.
  • Experiment with different brewing methods, such as pour-over or Aeropress.

The Bottom Line

So, does coffee contain tannins? If we go by the broad definition of tannins, the answer is yes. Whether these tannins play a significant role in your coffee’s taste is a topic that continues to be explored by researchers. For now, enjoy your cup of coffee and take pride in the fact that you know a little more about the science behind it!

Cheers to your next cup of coffee!

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. Consult a healthcare professional for medical concerns. The author and publisher are not liable for any actions taken based on this article.

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Editorial Staff

The editorial staff at Crazy Coffee Crave is a team of coffee enthusiasts & Baristas who enjoy the one thing we all think about as soon as we get up in the morning. Trusted by thousands of readers worldwide.