How to Remove Coffee Stains From Clothes

crazy by Editorial Staff | Updated on April 26th, 2023

Many coffee drinkers’ worst fear is that coffee spills on their clothing whether it is while commuting to work or during a lunch break. It is possible to get rid of a coffee stain from every form of cloth or surface. But we’re more concerned about how to strip old coffee stains from clothes. If you didn’t remove the coffee stain as soon as you spilled your coffee cup onto your clothes, here’s a few tricks to help redeem it.

Our top 5 suggested methods to extract stains from coffee

liquid in white ceramic mug

You are inevitably bound to experience certain situations, which could involve a drop or two of coffee or a whole cup spilling on your clothes. It’s a probability game versus guessing. The more you drink, the more chances it has to spill. Whether it be your car seat or on your clothes, or since many these days are working from home, your bed is also an opportunity for coffee to want to sink itself into.

coffee stains

The best way is always to prepare yourself of the spill. Methods and products exist to eliminate nearly all coffee stains from fabrics and other surfaces. 

  1. Stain Pen (Tide To Go)-one of these is worth having at home, in your car, or bag. It’s small and portable so you can take it anywhere, leave it anywhere and it’s always ready to be used when you spill that coffee on your clothes.
  1. Dish soap – is best used on a carpet with a sponge but may be used with ample rinsing on clothes. Use one tablespoon of dish soap with two cups of warm water after soaking the stained part.
  1. White Vinegar -can be used during cleaning clothing or tackling the stain if the clothes would look like white vinegar for the remainder of the day or not at home. Put a drop or two on the stained portion of the coffee and soak with a dry paper towel. 
  1. The magic eraser strategy is to dampen the fabric and use the magic eraser to surround the tough stain.
  1. Rub liquid laundry detergent and cold water into the stained coffee area. Allow it to soak in for 3 to 5 minutes, but don’t let it dry. Either repeat if the stain is noticeable or wash the clothing.

Are coffee stains permanent?

coffee stains

No, coffee stains are not permanent. No matter how long it’s been there, most coffee stains on your clothes will eventually be removed. The only factor that alters is the procedure to clear it.

Question to ask yourself is, how new is the coffee stain?

Try cool water if the coffee stain is less than a day old. Place the clothing object under the sink and turn the tap on; wait 3-5 minutes, or before the coffee fades’ stain. For sticky stains, applying white distilled vinegar will help clear them. If this procedure does not directly work, apply laundry detergent to the coffee stain, soak it in cold water and let it sit for 3 to 5 minutes. Be cautious not to dry it. Otherwise, you will have to repeat it.

How to get stains of dried coffee out of clothes?

  • This method requires more time and patience to extract coffee stains from clothing, which entails washing the clothes and applying laundry detergent—use sufficient detergent to cover the stain.
  • In the stained coffee field, apply laundry detergent and put it in cold water.
  • Rub the stained region of your hands back and forth between your thumbs or palms (Can also use a toothbrush to scrub in the detergent)
  • Repeat this step every 3 to 5 minutes, or until the coffee stain has faded.
  • Place the clothes in the laundry machine and run the whole cycle.

What products can be used for removing coffee stains?

Stains will happen everywhere, and coffee stains are no different. It’s risky to go to work with coffee. But here’s something you can use to avoid staining your fabric.

Pure baking soda

baking soda in coffee

Baking Soda, combined with water and poured over the stained region, has been a way of soaking up coffee stains for several years. Repeat the method if they don’t vanish right away.

Non-alcoholic beer

Beer may be used to clean the most challenging coffee spills, spray beer on the spilled area, and gently soak it up with a towel or rag. The stain should start blending in at this stage. As darker shades can pop up, use a light-colored beer.

Baby wipes 

Baby Wipes are perfect and easy to have in the building, not just cleaning up drops of coffee but also numerous other spills. Many wipes break down quickly and are suitable for sewers.

Club soda 

Club Soda eliminates many coffee stains from the carpet, tablecloth, and clothing. Pour over the stain with club soda and repeat. Holding a spare is a smart idea and perfect for removing wine on the carpet for emergencies.

Egg yolk

Believe it or not, what you require is a table cloth and a beaten egg yolk, whether this process succeeds or not. Pour it over the coffee stains and scrub vigorously with water.


A better way to get rid of coffee stains is to apply a pinch of salt to a scrubbing surface quickly on the inside of coffee cups. Add equivalent portions of bleach and repeat if the stain remains stubborn.



Apply three parts vinegar with one part cold water to either a spray bottle or cup, a popular household item found in many baking items.

How to remov coffee stains from jeans

blue denim button up jacket

What about jeans? I feel like jeans might be a bit harder to clean, so here’s a procedure on how to make sure you remove those coffee stains:

What you need

  • White distilled vinegar
  • Clean white cloths or paper towels
  • Baking soda
  • Stain remover
  • Water

Removing fresh coffee stains

Take 1 teaspoon of distilled vinegar with 4 cups of cold water. Apply this mixture with a clean white cloth or sponge. Blot the stain with dry cloth or paper towel. Wash the denim as usual.

Final Thoughts

We have a remedy for any form of spilled coffee. If one method doesn’t work, try another one and replicate the procedure or another technique. The coffee stain is likely to fade finally.

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Editorial Staff

The editorial staff at Crazy Coffee Crave is a team of coffee enthusiasts & Baristas who enjoy the one thing we all think about as soon as we get up in the morning. Trusted by thousands of readers worldwide.