Can I Drink Coffee After A (UTI) Urinary Tract Infection?

crazy by Editorial Staff | Updated on April 26th, 2023

UTI stands for urinary tract infection, and it is a type of illness that affects the urinary system.

When an infection is found in the lower urinary system, it is referred to as a bladder infection or cystitis. In contrast, if an infection affects a person’s upper urinary system, it is referred to be a kidney infection or pyelonephritis.

urinary tract infection

This infection is usually caused by Escherichia coli, although other bacteria and fungi can also cause it. UTIs are also produced by sexual contact. However, they are not classified as sexually transmitted infections.

Because of anatomy, it is more frequent in females. Because women have a shorter urethra than males, germs can enter their bladder more easily.

Once you’ve experienced an illness, you’ll be able to identify the most typical symptoms:

  • Pain and pressure in the abdomen
  • The need to urinate is almost continuous.
  • a lot of urinating
  • urinating while burning
  • hazy pee, fishy urine, pelvic or back discomfort
  • urinating in blood

If left untreated, these symptoms swiftly progress from irritating to severe.

Don’t put off seeing a doctor if you notice signs of a urinary tract infection. Antibiotics should be started as soon as possible.

Can I Drink Coffee After Having a UTI?

In addition to medications, the appropriate balance of meals and beverages during a UTI might hasten healing.

Even if you don’t feel thirsty, you should still drink lots of water. This procedure will wash away bacteria. Avoid all liquids, including coffee, alcohol, and caffeine, if you have an infection.

Caffeine is known to irritate the bladder and increase bladder infection symptoms. A study of persons with interstitial cystitis (chronic bladder irritation) discovered that those who drank coffee had worse symptoms. Replace your morning coffee routine with a mug of non-caffeinated herbal tea until you are UTI-free.

Foods and beverages that might aggravate UTI symptoms should be avoided.

Avoid foods and beverages that might irritate your bladder or make your symptoms worse, such as:

  • Coffee 
  • Caffeine
  • Sodas
  • Alcohol
  • Spicy foods
  • Acidic fruits
  • Synthetic sweeteners

UTIs are caused by bacteria that enter the urinary system and increase the bladder. 

Bacteria can be discovered on the skin near the vaginal and rectum openings. These bacteria seldom cause problems, but they can enter the urethra.

This can occur during sexual intercourse, or germs might enter the urinary tract after using the restroom. This is why ladies should always wipe from front to back.

Certain variables might also raise the likelihood of a UTI. For example, women may be more susceptible to these illnesses when their estrogen levels fluctuate throughout menopause. In addition, a compromised immune system and the use of a catheter increase the risk of a UTI. This allows germs to enter the urethra more easily.


Does Coffee Exacerbate UTI?

Furthermore, many everyday meals and drinks are likely to irritate the bladder and increase symptoms of bladder infections, so avoid them if you experience the usual adverse effects of these drugs. Caffeine should be avoided at this time.

Do you require rest if you have a UTI?

A UTI may cause some unpleasant symptoms. Therefore rest is vital for your recovery. In addition, keep yourself clean by drinking lots of water daily to sleep well.

How Long Does It Take To Recover From A UTI?

The most common thing you can do is treat UTIs. Most bladder infections are gone within 24 to 48 hours of starting medication. However, you may have kidney infection symptoms for several weeks or longer.

Is it possible to have sex with a UTI?

These symptoms, while unpleasant, will not prohibit you from having vaginal intercourse. However, that doesn’t mean you won’t feel up to it. A UTI can irritate the delicate tissue in your urinary system, and sexual activity can aggravate that irritation even worse.

Sexual activity can also raise your chances of difficulties and even endanger your partner. Therefore, physicians advise patients to refrain from having sex until they are symptom-free and have completed their whole course of medication.

How are urinary tract infections treated?

The severity of the illness frequently determines treatment for UTIs. Doctors frequently categorize UTIs as “simple” or “complex.”

Bladder infections are typically classified as “simple.” Therefore, antibiotics are often used to treat them over three to five days. Trimethoprim, ciprofloxacin, and amoxicillin-clavulanate potassium are common antibiotics used to treat bladder infections.

Even if you feel better, you should still take all your medications if you have an infection. This prevents the infection from returning.

UTI home remedies

Drink enough water throughout the day, so your urine is a pale yellow tint.

Some people believe drinking cranberry juice or using cranberry supplements can help minimize the risk of UTIs.

After urinating, wipe from front to back. This prevents germs from entering the urinary system from the rectum.

When you get the desire, always go to the restroom. Hold it for short lengths of time. Also, before bed, use the restroom and empty your bladder.

Whenever you have sex, go to the restroom and clean your genital area.


Lower UTI and higher UTI are the two forms of urinary tract infections. Bacteria and fungus cause infection. A variety of symptoms can cause the infection.

After becoming infected, most people cannot consume coffee for two to three days. This is because the body needs rest, and coffee irritates the bladder. Repeated sexual activity and unsanitary conduct may also result in infection. In a medical emergency, it is critical to see a doctor.

Seek treatment for bladder infection as soon as possible before it worsens and potentially leads to a kidney infection. Bladder infections are unpleasant and painful, but drugs can effectively treat them.

Some people are predisposed to experiencing UTIs regularly. In this scenario, a doctor may offer lifestyle adjustments and prophylactic antibiotics.

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