What Is a French Roast Coffee?

crazy by Editorial Staff | Updated on July 4th, 2023

ndulging in a captivating cup of coffee can be an enthralling experience, especially when it’s a French Roast. Rich in flavor, strong, and uniquely bold, French Roast coffee is adored by many coffee enthusiasts for its unique qualities. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll peel back the layers of the delightful French Roast, providing you with a greater understanding of what makes it so special, and guide you on the journey to brewing the perfect cup.

What is French Roast Coffee?

The world of coffee offers an array of roast levels from dark, medium, to light. French Roast coffee, characterized by its distinctive dark chocolate hue, is on the darkest end of this spectrum. This extraordinary roasting style has its roots firmly planted in the 1800s.

What Is a French Roast?

Europe, during the 19th century, was a melting pot of diverse coffee roasting traditions. Italian Roast offered a dark espresso, but it didn’t quite match the darkness of the French Roast. The Vienna roast, although lighter than the Italian Roast, couldn’t rival the appeal of the French Roast either, which comfortably claimed its spot as the darkest of all roasts. Interestingly, beans from any region across the globe can be transformed into a French roast.

ColorDark chocolate brown
OriginNamed in Europe, but beans can come from any origin
Roasting Temperature440 – 455 °F and higher
Agtron Gourmet Scale28-35
Unique CharacteristicsSmoky flavor, dark color, intense aroma
Taste ProfileIntense, smoky-sweet flavor with a thin body; sometimes caramel-like
Caffeine LevelComparable to light roast coffee
Best Brewing MethodsImmersion brewing, French Press
Identifying FeaturesDark brown, glossy sheen, smoky aroma, bittersweet taste
Ideal forThose who enjoy strong, bold flavors
Quality Indicator“Second Crack” during roasting
Recommended BrandsVolcanica Coffee, Stumptown Coffee Roasters, Bulletproof, SF Bay Coffee, Starbucks

The Origin of the ‘French Roast’ Label

Coined in Europe during the 19th century, the term ‘French Roast’ reflects the prevalent taste preferences and traditions of European coffee roasters, who are credited with developing this roasting style. However, it’s essential to note that despite the name, French roast coffee is not a French specialty and its roots could trace back to other regions within Europe.

This roasting degree is easily recognizable by its dark brown color and smokey flavor. Nestled amongst other coffee roasts named after regional roasting styles, French Roast holds its ground as one of the darkest roasted coffees available today.

How French Roast Stands Out Among Dark Roasts

French Roast coffee takes dark roasts to another level. It’s not only the darkest of the dark roasts but also boasts a uniquely smokey taste. This distinctive flavor profile comes from an extended roasting time, usually at temperatures ranging from 440 – 455 °F or higher.

This lengthier roasting period results in a more intensely roasted coffee than other dark roasts, contributing to a bolder, smokier flavor. Darker roasts generally have a fuller body and a more potent aroma, enhancing the overall taste experience, and French Roast is no exception.

Identifying a French Roast Bean

Identifying a French Roast bean isn’t as challenging as you might think. A shiny sheen often characterizes these beans, which should be dark brown with a well-developed appearance. The aroma of the beans should emit a smoky or roasted scent, and the taste should have a distinct bittersweet touch.

Further clues lie in the sound the beans produce when tapped or squeezed – a pronounced cracking or popping sound, known as the “second crack”, indicating that the bean has reached the French Roast level. A properly brewed French Roast coffee will typically render an intense flavor, punctuated by deep smoky notes, and a hint of sweetness.

Achieving the Perfect French Roast

The color of French Roast beans can best be likened to dark chocolate, though they are considerably darker than most other beans. The Coffee Association of America utilizes the “Agtron Gourmet Scale” to categorize the roast of coffee beans. On this scale, 25 represents the darkest and 95 the lightest roast.

French Roast coffee beans are heated to achieve a scale of 28-35. If you’re brewing this coffee at home, listen for the ‘second crack’. This sound signals that you’ve accomplished a French roast. Aim to heat at temperatures of 464F until the beans exhibit a slight sheen of oil.

french roast

Key Characteristics of French Roast

French Roast is recognized for its intense, smoky flavor and aroma. With a flavor profile often compared to dark chocolate or toasted nuts, it’s a robust and bold coffee. However, since it’s roasted for longer than other coffee types, the smoky elements may mask some of the subtler flavors.

While French Roast may not necessarily contain more caffeine than other coffee types, its powerful, unique taste undoubtedly sets it apart from the crowd.

The Flavor Profile of French Roast Coffee

French Roast coffee presents a flavor profile that is strikingly different from other types of dark roast. It delivers an intense, smoky-sweet flavor with a thin body and mouthfeel. Compared to lighter roasts, French Roast offers a sweeter taste, sometimes bearing caramel-like undertones. It is also known for its charcoal-like taste, which many find smoky and sweet.

The roasting process can bring forth flavors of citrus or berry aromas, primarily dependent on the origin of the coffee berries. For instance, Indonesian French roasts typically exhibit an earthy taste and an even dark color.

Even though French roast coffee is strong in flavor, it does not possess a higher caffeine content in comparison to other coffee types. When brewed correctly, French roast coffee can offer a delightful, strong-tasting experience for those who adore dark roasts.

Best French Roast coffee to buy from

You can also buy coffee roasts from recognized brands in the market. For example, try Volcanica Coffee, which packages premium quality French roasts.

Volcanica Coffee

Another recommended product is the Stumptown Coffee Roasters.

Stumptown Coffee Roasters French Roast

French Kick Ground Coffee by Bulletproof

SF Bay Coffee French Roast

Starbucks Dark Roast Ground Coffee — Organic French Roast

French Roast Coffee: Is It for Everyone?

While French roast coffee has a loyal fanbase, its smoky flavor and dark color may not appeal to everyone. Here are a few considerations to keep in mind:

  • French roast beans tend to lose freshness faster than lighter roasts. The oils on the roast can turn rancid more quickly, negatively affecting the coffee’s taste. Therefore, it’s recommended to buy coffee to last you for about a week or to use a high-quality coffee container.
  • Some beans may be of inferior quality, using the dark color to mask this fact. Therefore, always source your coffee beans from a reputable roaster.
  • Buying Fair Trade Coffee can ensure a more equitable relationship between farmers and roasters and promote more environmentally sustainable practices.
  • The dark roast coffee may taste bitter to some due to the carbonization of fibers in the coffee. Try grinding your coffee to extract sweeter flavors or use a French press for coarsely ground coffee.

Best Brewing Method for French Roast Coffee

Brewing French Roast coffee is an art that requires a specific method to extract the best flavor and aroma. Immersion brewing is often the preferred method as it allows flexibility in customizing your brew.

Using a French press is another option. This method requires a bit more experience to ensure the perfect cup of coffee. Remember to use hot water, a coarse grind of beans, and to reinsert the filter in the press after adding water.

Done correctly, a French roast can offer a flavor-rich brew with a smoky background. No matter which brewing method you choose, proper measurement of your coffee beans and adjustments to your grind as needed will ensure the best results.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Turkish Coffee the same as French Roast?

No, French Roast focuses on the roast level, while Turkish coffee emphasizes the preparation method. However, you can finely grind French beans and cook them with water and sugar to make Turkish coffee.

Is French Roast strong?

While the flavor, color, and smoky taste of a French roast are incredibly robust, the roasting process that darkens the beans actually lowers the caffeine levels in your cup. Therefore, French Roast has caffeine levels equivalent to a light roast coffee.

What is the “First Crack” in coffee roasting?

When coffee is heated at 196 degrees Celsius, you’ll hear the “first crack” sound. As the temperature increases to 225 degrees Celsius, you’ll hear the second crack, signaling that your French Roast is ready.

The journey into the world of French Roast coffee is one filled with fascinating insights, intense flavors, and a rich aroma. Now that you’re armed with this comprehensive guide, you’re ready to brew the perfect cup of French Roast and immerse yourself in its unique charm.

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Editorial Staff

The editorial staff at Crazy Coffee Crave is a team of coffee enthusiasts & Baristas who enjoy the one thing we all think about as soon as we get up in the morning. Trusted by thousands of readers worldwide.